World War One

  • Gavrilo Princip is arrested

    On 28 June 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand from Austria as well as his wife Sophie were assassinated in Sarajevo by Garvrilo Princip, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Gavrilo Princip fired two shots at the heirs to the Austro-Hungarian Empire

  • The Archduke and Archduchess of the Austro-Hungarian Empire visit Sarajevo

    Gavrilo Princip always seen the death of the Archduke as the 'key that would unlock the shackles', binding his people to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
  • Austria-Hungary sends ultimatum to Serbia

    At 6pm on July 23, 1914, nearly one month after the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Baron Giesl von Gieslingen (who is the ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) to Serbia, delivers an ultimatum to the Serbian foreign ministry. The Serbian government had to accept an Austro-Hungarian asked for information on the assassination, notwithstanding its claim that it was already conducting its own internal investigation.
  • Serbia agrees to two of the three terms of the ultimatum

    Serbia agreed to:
    1) Introduce a provision into the press law providing for the most severe punishment of incitement to hatred and contempt of the monachy
    2) Eliminate without delay from public instruction. Everything that serves or might serve to foment the propaganda against whenever [Austria] furnish them with facts and proofs.
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia

    On July 28, 1914, after a decision reached over a few days before a response which pressured from Germany for quick action. As Kaiser Wilhelm II seen such a little chance of a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but was overpowered by a more aggresive military and governmental leadership of Germany—Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
  • Germany orders France and Russia to stop mobilizing

    Germany declares war on Russia. France and Belgium begin full mobilization. They begin to work together to attempt to take down Germany.
  • Russia mobilizes to defend Serbia

    Reacting to the Austrian attack on Serbia, Russia begins full mobilization of its troops. Germany demands that it stop. Image shows Russian troops going to Serbia
  • Germany declares war on France

    Germany declares war on France, and invades neutral Belgium. Belgium is good with both countries. Britain then sends an ultimatum, which gets rejected by the Germans, to leave Belgium.
  • Germany invades Belgium

    The Siege of Liege occurs as Germans attack the Belgian fortress city but meet resistance from Belgian troops inside the Liege Forts. The twelve forts surrounding the city are then bombarded into submission by German and Austrian howitzers using high explosive shells. Remaining Belgian troops then retreat northward toward Antwerp as the German westward advance continues.
  • Germany begins the Schlieffen Plan and attacks France through neutral Belguim

  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Great Britain declares war on Germany. The declaration is binding on all Dominions (countries Great Britian was alliies with, for example Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa) within the British Empire
  • Canada is automatically at war against Triple Alliance