World War One

  • Hollywood, California becomes center of movies

    During 1914 Hollywood, oringanaly know as Hollywoodland becomes the center of all movies in the U.S,
  • Franz Ferinand assassinated

    Archduke Franz and his wife are both assassinated
  • Germany declares war on France and Russia

    Germany Delcares war on France and Russia and all the contreys that are neutral got invalved
  • Transcontinental Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell Makes the first Transcontinental Telephone
  • Lusitania sunk

    The Lusitania Sinks and kills 1,198
  • Reelcteion

    Woodrow Wilson was reelected as the 33rd president
  • Congress passes Sedition Act

  • World war 1 ends

  • Influenza Epidemic

  • Women get the right to vote

    The 19th amenment is passed and women get the right to vote
  • Prohibtion Starts

  • Warren G. Harding is elected President

  • Tomb of king tut is Discoverd

  • The Charleston Dance becomes popular

  • Leopold and Loeb Murder

    These two lover's thought they come up with the perfect murder. They kidnapped a 14 year old boy and beat him to death. Number of facters lead the police to them. Clarence Darrow was there Atterny
  • British Laborers declare a general Strike

  • The Jazz Singer

    First talking movie
  • Bubble Gum Was invented

    There were other forms of gum like the greeks would use tree sap. not till Walter Diemer perfected the recipe that people could blow bubbles. The compiny called the new produce "Dubble Bubble Bubble Gum" it is still sold to today
  • Hitlers invades The Soviet Union

    Hitlers invades The Soviet Union
    Adolf Hitler launched his armies eastward in a massive invasion of the Soviet Union: three great army groups with over three million German soldiers, 150 divisions, and three thousand tanks smashed across the frontier into Soviet territory
  • Nazis develope the "final solution" for exterminating Jews

    Nazis develope the "final solution" for exterminating Jews
  • Pear Harbor

    Pear Harbor
    At 8 a.m. in the morning on December 7, 1941 hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attacked the American naval base at Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii.
  • Roosevelt creates the War Production Board to coordination mobilization

    Roosevelt creates the War Production Board to coordination mobilization
  • Japanese Americans are sent to reloction center

    Japanese Americans are sent to reloction center
  • In the Pacific, the battle of Midway turns the tide in favor of Allies

    In the Pacific, the battle of Midway turns the tide in favor of Allies
    The battle ended on June 7, 1942
  • Zoot-suit riots rock Los Angleles

    Zoot-suit riots rock Los Angleles
  • US troops take Iwo Jima

    US troops take Iwo Jima
  • Berlin airlift ends

    Berlin airlift ends
  • Britain recognizes the independence of the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland remains a part of the United Kingdom.

    Britain recognizes the independence of the Republic of Ireland. Northern Ireland remains a part of the United Kingdom.
  • Israel signs armistice with Egypt

    Israel signs armistice with Egypt
  • Start of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)—treaty signed by 12 nations

    Start of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)—treaty signed by 12 nations
  • Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) established

     Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) established
  • First successful Soviet atomic test

    First successful Soviet atomic test
  • Communist People's Republic of China formally proclaimed by Chairman Mao Zedong

    Communist People's Republic of China formally proclaimed by Chairman Mao Zedong
  • Berlin Airlift ends

    Berlin Airlift ends
  • German Democratic Republic (East Germany) established under Soviet rule

    German Democratic Republic (East Germany) established under Soviet rule
  • South Africa institutionalizes apartheid

    South Africa institutionalizes apartheid
  • Charles Manson

    Charles Manson
    Charles Manson is an American cult leader whose followers carried out several notorious murders in the late 1960s and inspired the book Helter Skelter. In 2012, Manson was denied parole for the 12th time.
  • Top Nazi murderer of Jews, Adolf Eichmann, captured by Israelis in Argentina

     Top Nazi murderer of Jews, Adolf Eichmann, captured by Israelis in Argentina
  • Three teenagers were murdered at Lake Bodom in Finland

     Three teenagers were murdered at Lake Bodom in Finland
  • U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba

    U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba
  • Pope John XXIII opens Second Vatican Council

    Pope John XXIII opens Second Vatican Council
  • Pope John XXIII dies

    Pope John XXIII dies
  • President Kennedy shot and killed by sniper in Dallas, Tex. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president same day

    President Kennedy shot and killed by sniper in Dallas, Tex. Lyndon B. Johnson becomes president same day
  • Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President Kennedy, is shot and killed by Jack Ruby, Dallas nightclub owner

    Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President Kennedy, is shot and killed by Jack Ruby, Dallas nightclub owner
  • Mary Meyer was shot to death when going for a walk on

     Mary Meyer was shot to death when going for a walk on
  • Black teenagers riot in Watts, Los Angeles; two men killed and at least 25 injured

    Black teenagers riot in Watts, Los Angeles; two men killed and at least 25 injured