World War One

  • The Beginning of the War

    The war all starts with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
  • Period: to

    Germant declares war

    Germany declares war on Russia on the 1st, France on the 3rd and Belgium on the 4th of August 1914.
  • Ottoman empire declares war with allies.

    Ottoman Empire declares war with allies.
  • Allies attack Ottomans Empire

    Ottomans Empire Wins, Allies retreat
  • Bulgaria enters war

    Bulgaria enters war by declaring war on Serbia
  • Battle of Somme

    over 1 million soldiers are killed or wounded
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle between Germany and France. French wins
  • Battle of Jutland

    Largest navel battle in whole war.
    Between Germany and Britain in North Sea.
  • Us enters war

    united Staes enters world war one
  • Us declares war on Germany

    US intercepts Telegram of Germany convincing Mexico to team up against US.
  • Russians make peace

    Russia agrees to peace against central powers and leave war.
  • Fourteen Points

    president Woodrow Wilson issues fourteen points to try and make peace and end the war.
  • Germany agrees to armistice

    Germany agrees to armistice and the fighting stops all around.
  • War comes to an end

    The Treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany and World War One is at an end.