World War One

  • (EU) Assasination of Archduke Ferninand

    (EU) Assasination of Archduke Ferninand
    June 28th the day the duke decided to go and give a speech, was shot and killed. This could have been one of the factors leading to the World War
  • Beginning events

    Beginning events
    Austria warships bombard Belgrade the capital of Serbia
  • (EU)Germany Declares war on France and Invades

    (EU)Germany Declares war on France and Invades
    Germany wanted to attack Russia, but they knew France was going to be loyal to their alliance to Russia. So what Germany did was attack France knowing they were eventually going to have to go into war with them.
  • (EU)Britain Declares war on Germany

    (EU)Britain Declares war on Germany
    A day after the news of Germany declaring war on France, Britain having an alliance with France has to honor that alliance they wanted to aid them so that Germany would not take over France and would leave Germany with control over Western Europe.
  • (US EU) President Wilson's Decleration of Neutrality

    (US EU) President Wilson's Decleration of Neutrality
    Wilson declares neutrality , which means he wants the United States to not have any part of the war. Wanted peace and did not want to take any sides which would have caused even more conflict.
  • World War One

    World War One
    This was the day that world war one began , and the main countries began to fight against one another.
  • Germans fire

    Germans fire
    Germans fired shells filled with chlorine gas at allied lines. This was the first time large amounts of gas was used in war.
  • (EU US) Sinking of the Lusitania

    (EU US) Sinking of the Lusitania
    U Boat of the Germans sank the Lusitania killing many innocent people (1198). Out of those people 128 of them were US citizens, which could have been one of the factors of the citizens of the United States pushing for them to join the war.
  • (US) President Wilson gets elected

    (US) President Wilson gets elected
    Woodrow gets elected for the second time in the middle of the first modern war.
  • (EU US) Zimmerman Note

    (EU US) Zimmerman Note
    The British were able to intercept a message and decode the message from Germany that was going to Mexico. It was basically saying that they were going to continue with submarine warfare, and would aid Mexico. The British eventually sent it to the US which would have caused them to go into war.
  • (US) Wilson Asking Congress for Declaration of War

    (US) Wilson Asking Congress for Declaration of War
    President Wilson asks congress for the declaration of war in order to defend their country and be able to help fellow allies in the war against Germany
  • U.S enters the war

    U.S enters the war
    on this day congress authorizes a declaration against of war against Germany
  • (EU) The Influenza Pandemic

    (EU) The Influenza Pandemic
    This was one of the worst epidemics that happened in history. More than 20 million people died from this disease.
  • (EU) Germany and Russian Peace

    (EU) Germany and Russian Peace
    The German sign a peace treaty with the Bolshevik government of Russia.This allowed Germany to go into new territory which would help them in the war
  • (EU) Armistice Day

    (EU) Armistice Day
    A treaty signed by many of the countries in the first world war in order for it to come to an end.