World War One

  • Triple Alliance Formed

    Triple Alliance Formed
    Triple Alliance consisted of the nations of Italy, Austria-Hungary and Germany. Bismark believed that this alliance would kepp peace and more importantly prevent France from seekeing revenge from the Franco=Prussian War.
  • Germany adds Russia into Triple Allaince

    Germany adds Russia into Triple Allaince
    Germany's second attempt at preventing France from making allies to assit them in revenge against Germany.
  • Bismark forced to resign

    Bismark forced to resign
    Kaiser Wilhelm II changes foriegn policy, he refuses to let another man guide him. This opens up pportunities for non German allies, especially France to make new allies.
  • Wilhelm I lets alliance with Russia expire

    Wilhelm I lets alliance with Russia expire
    The new kaiser refused to let himself and Germany be ruled by Bismark. This let France make a move towards Russia to make an alliance.
  • Britain and France form entente

    Britain and France form entente
    Britain finally ends its period of isolation and takes up allies. It forms it's first friendship with France.
  • Russia joins entente with France and Britain

    Russia joins entente with France and Britain
    This entnte enforced the idea that these countires had a mutual understanding of friendship. France finally gets to seek some revenge on Germany by allying itself with Germany's once ally.
  • Ferdinand and Sophie are assasinated

    Ferdinand and Sophie are assasinated
    the two monarchs are killed by Gavrilo Princip at a visit to Sarajevo. This began the dragging of most European nations into ar amongst one another and ultamately led to the beggining of World War One.
  • Austria presented Serbia with the ultimatum

    Austria presented Serbia with the ultimatum
  • Austria declares war on Bosnia

    Austria declares war on Bosnia
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
  • Germany declares war with France

    Germany declares war with France
    The German army invaded France. The French underestimated the German army's power and soon found themself in trouble. Germans got to the outskirts of Paris showing the world the German was no force to mess with.
  • Britain delcares war on Germany.

    Britain delcares war on Germany.
  • Allies attack Germany at first battle of Marne

    Allies attack Germany at first battle of Marne
    Germany was stopped on their way to Paris. Germany finally saw thepower that France can put forth into battle. This battle put the Schlieffin Plan in ruins.
  • Ottoman Empire formally joins Central Powers

    The Central Powers add another nation to their alliance to once again prevent france from gaining more alliance and seeking revenge.
  • Allies launch the Gallipoli campaign

    Allies launch the Gallipoli campaign
  • Italy joins entente

    Italy joins entente
  • Germany sinks the U.S.S. Lusitania

    Germany sinks the U.S.S. Lusitania
  • Germans attack the Allies at Verdun in the Battle of the Somme

    Germans attack the Allies at Verdun in the Battle of the Somme
  • Germans announce their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare

    Germans announce their policy of unrestricted submarine warfare
    Germans begin to attack merchant, leisure and military ships and submarines. These naval vessels belong to Britain and America. This is yet another reason that the United States had to become involved in World War One.
  • U.S. intercepts the Zimmermann Note

     U.S. intercepts the Zimmermann Note
    This note causes the United States involvement in World war One. After seeing the threat posed by the Triple Alliance on North America and Mexico The United States had no choice but to protect themselves and their allies.
  • Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany

    Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany
    This act brings the United States into the involvement of World war one.
  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in WWI

    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ended Russia’s involvement in WWI
    Russia backs out of the war and leaves the entente to fight without Russia.
  • Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Germany and Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down from power, Germany declared itself a republic

    Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down from power, Germany declared itself a republic
  • German representative and French Commander Marshal Foch signed an armistice.

    German representative and French Commander Marshal Foch signed an armistice.