World War One

  • Period: to

    World War One

  • Wilson elected president

  • The Assassination Austrian Archduke Ferdinand

    The Assassination Austrian Archduke Ferdinand
  • President Wilson says U.S. will remain neutral

    President Wilson says U.S. will remain neutral
  • Lusitania sunk

    Lusitania sunk
  • The Sussex fired on. This lead to the Sussex pledge which promised not to attack cargo,merchant or passenger ships

    The Sussex fired on. This lead to the Sussex pledge which promised not to attack cargo,merchant or passenger ships
  • Britiain intercepts the Zimmerman telegraph

  • Declaration of War on Germany

  • Selective Service Act passed

    Selective Service Act passed
  • War Industries Board created

  • Germany and Russia sign an armistice. This closed the Eastern front

  • U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issues his Fourteen Points to peace.

  • American forces get first victory

  • American forces defeat Germany; U.S. suffers heavy loses

  • Armistice declared

  • Treaty of Versailles signed