Assassination of arch duke Franz Ferdinand
This event was said to be the beginning of world war 1, Franz was the presumed heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne until June 28, 1914 when he was gunned down by a young Serbian nationalist, Gavrilo Princip.
the picture is of the archduke Franz Ferdinand -
Period: to
Start to End
Battle of the Marne started
The first battle of Marne was to bed the end of Germany plan to sweep France, this battle was mainly fought between Germany’s forces and Great Britain and Frances forces it was also the end of the schlieffen plae which if succeded would leave France Surrounded on all fronts By Germanies army potentially being the end of France.
The picture is of Solidures in the trench during the Battle of Marne -
Australian Naval and Military expeditionary force commences successful operations against German New Guinea territories
At the beginning of the war, as a sign of devotion and loyalty, the Australian prime minister pledged full support to Great Britain. So the sent all the troops the could get to Egypt to train for war.these men were part of the AIF
the picture to the left is the departure of the AIF to gallipoly. -
battle of Ypres
The battle of Ypres was one of the first battles in world war one. And it was also on of the biggest battles of the whole of the war. This is the turning point for trench warfare, which carried out to be the most commonly used and most effective way to battle. This picture show to soldiers arming a World War 1 machine gun. -
Britain bombarded Turkish forts in the Dardanelles
The Dardanelles was the naval battle. The British and French forces launched an attack on the Turkish Forces in the Dardanelles. Hoping to capture a strategically vital strait separating Europe for Asia, this failed resulting in numerous casualties.The picture is of one of the British ship lining up to take down a turkey fleet. -
Second battel of Ypres
the Battle of Gravenstafel Ridge
after three attempts to blow the gass cloud across the enamy border in the norther part of ypre center Salient, the German infantry attack made significant advances into Allied held territory.
th picture is of the graven stafel ridge. -
allied forces land on gallipoly
The Gallipoli or Dardanelles campaign is one of the most famous Australian battles to go down in the history of war, even though the campaign was official a failure. All Australians and New Zealanders back then and today believe that it was much more than a lost battle.
The picture is of the Gallipoli land and the cliffs the had to climb -
start of the battel of Loos
this battle was such an offensive effort that it was called back then that it was called "the big push".despite heavy caualtys and loss the battle was considered a sucess, the first day they they had penetrated deep into enemy lines.
the picture show trench warefare in action. -
the allies start the evacuation of gallipoly
after 8 months of fighting the AIF and british forces decided that the campaign had not succeded and to retreat. so the constructed contraptions using sand leftover containers and their weapons. the guns would fire once every 10 minutes or so and the opposition would think the were still there. this was probably the best part of the campaign.
the picture is of the guns they used to escape -
start of the battle of Verdun
the battle of Verdun was probably one of the bloodiest battles in the war. it was the costliest for both sides a german general Erich von Falkenhayn was convinced that the war could only be won in the west. the was the opportunity.he sent every thing he had.
the picture is another example of trench warfare used in the battle -
battel of Jutland
the battle of justland was another naval fight and really the only major one aswell. this battle cost Britan many troops and shipis but was worth it. after this battle germany did not battle in the sea again that war. it was considered a victory on britans behalf.
the picture is of the ships that went to battle. -
start of the brusilov offensive
the Brusilov offensive was the best battle russia had faught in the whole war. the plan was to confuse the germans so the did not know where the main attack would come from. Brusilov orderd his four commanders to take there units on their own battle in diffrent parts of europe. leaving the germans confused.
the picture is of the troops that went to battle. -
Start of the battel of Somme
the is actually the name given to a series of battles during the first of july and the 13 of november. it was originally plad to attack germanys from smultaneously to reduce manpower and destroying thier reserves but also to divert german forces from verdun.
these are the cannons used in World War 1 -
end of the brusilov offencive
the only battle named after a commnder was soo close to sucess but had to be deemed failure because it did not accomplish what the original plan was supposed to be. probably the most sucessful failure in the who of the war.
the picture is commander general Brusilov. -
First use en masse of tanks at the battel of Somme
En masse meaning "a lot" in Danish this was the first time heavy artillary of this kind was used at this amount. about 49 tanks were used in this battle. five were soon ditched in trenches or shell holes, nine broke down, nine more were too slow to keep up, but did some useful work mopping up, and the final nine led the way, got well into the enemy lines and caused considerable damage.
this is one of the tanks. -
start of the third battel of Ypres
The Third battle of ypres was the major Brittish offensive in Flanders, the objective was to penetrate the germans strong lines of defence. It was one of the last major battles in the first great war.
the picture is of 2 soldiures shooting a world war 1 machine gun. the gas masks suggest chemical warefare. -
The secoind battel of marne started
Also the beginning of germany breakdown. was another major push by Germany. the germans went out all the way upto the marne river leaving paris dangerously exposed. the germans were getting weaker and after 2 days of fighting pushed back 10 km.
this is the marne river where the german forces reached before getting pushed back -
Germany signed an armistice with the Allies , the official date of the end of World War One
in the months following the second battle of marne the british troop and their allies progressed with a sucession of attacks. after suffering such seeetbacks te german forcs fianlly collapsed and agreed to an armistice. this was the official end of world war 1.
This a newspaper arcicle about the armistice. -
The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans.
not officially part of the war but this event was the moment that all the forces agreed not to fight, by signing the treaty they all agreed to go to peace with eachother. land was taken from german and given bake to thier original countries and all the nations comprimised on terms that suited them all.
this is a picture of the signing.