Hindenburg makes adolf hitler chancellor of germany
SS opens dachau concentration camp
Nuremberg race laws
Nazi-soviet nonaggresion agreement
Germany invades poland, starts world war 2
Soviet union occupies poland from the east
Germany invades denmark and norway
Germany attackswestern europe
Einsatzgruppen shoot nearly 3,000 jews at the seventh fort
Germany invades the soviet union
Eisatzgruppen shoot about 34,000 jews at babi yar
Japan bombs pearl harbor
The US declares war
The first killing operations begin at chelmno in occupied Poland
Nazi germany declares war on the US
Germany begins mass deportatioln of 65,000 jews from drancy to Auschwitz
Mass deportation of 100,000 jews to auschwitz
Warsaw ghetto uprising begins
Battle of Kursk
Death march of 50,000 prisoner from the stutthof camp system in northern poland
Soviet troops liberate the auschwitz camp complex
Adolf Hitler commits suicide
Germany surrenders to the western allies
Germany surrenders to the soviets