World War ll Timeline

  • The first concentration camp in Germany

    The first concentration camp was established in Germany was soon after Hitler was appointed as chancellor.
  • Protective custody

    July 1933, German concentration camps held 27,000 people in “protective custody”
  • German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

    Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact.
  • Killing of Mentally ill and disable people.

    During the Fall of 1939, Nazi officials had mentally ill and people with disabilities gassed to death.
  • 6 Concentration camps

    By september 1939 there were 6 concentration camps in “Greater German Reich”
    -Dachau,Sachsenhausen,Buchenwald, Flossenburg, Mauthausen and Ravensbrück.
  • The beginning of World War 2

    When Hitler invaded Poland, Causing Great Britain and France to declare war.
  • Germany Invaded Norway and Denmark.

    The war begin in the west, caused by German invading Norway and Denmark.
  • Ghettos

    Many Jews were transported to ghettos.
  • Transport to Ghettos

    in late 1941, Germans began a mass transport from ghettos to Poland camps.
  • Invades the Soviet Union

    On June 22, 1941 Germany invades the Soviet Union.
  • Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor

    Causing the US to join WW2
  • Declares War on the United States

    Nazi Germany declares war on the United States
  • Period: to

    The heaviest deportation

    It was the heaviest deportation that took place with more than 300,000 people from just Warsaw, it look place from that summer until fall.
  • Jews were rescued from Denmark

  • D-Day

  • Final solution

    By 1945 the Germans and other countries had killed off 2/3 of the European Jews population as part of the "Final Solution"
  • Death of Handicapped in Europe

    By 1945, 275,000 people were killed for being handicapped from all over Europe had been killed
  • Death March

    The death march of 60,000 prisoners from the Auschwitz camp
  • Liberate Auschwitz

    Russian troops liberate Auschwitz.
  • Hitler Commits suicide

  • Americans free Jews

    Americans free 33,000 inmates from concentration camps
  • Germany Surrenders

    .Germany formal surrender in World War 2 on May 8, 1945, a week after Hitlers death.
  • Hiroshima

    .August 6, 1945, the U.S dropped an atomic bomb over Hiroshima, Japan.
  • Japan Surrenders

    September 2 1945, U.s general Douglas MacArthur accepted Japan’s formal surrender
  • World War 2 ends