World war ii special 512

World War ll Events

  • Nazi gain control of Germany

    Adolf Hitler leads Nazis to Invade Germany
  • Germany Invades again

    Germany Invades again
    Germany invades Poland, starting World War ll
  • Japan bombs Hawii

    Japan bombs Hawii
    After Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, U.S. enters the War
  • Stalingrad begins

    Stalingrad begins
    The battle of Stalingrad begins
  • A U.S. win

    A U.S. win
    The U.S. wins the Midway battle
  • Germany ends it

    Germany ends it
    Germany surrenders ending the war in Europe
  • Anne writes

    Anne writes
    Anne Frank writes in her diary
  • Warsaw Ghetto uprising

    Warsaw Ghetto uprising
    the Warsaw Ghetto uprising
  • D-Day

    D-Day invasion occurs
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Allies win the battle of the Bulge
  • Okinawa

    The battle of Okinawa
  • low Jima

    low Jima
    The battle of low Jima
  • U.S. drops it

    U.S. drops it
    The U.S. drops atomic bomb on the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki