
World War ll Events

  • Nazis take control of Germany

    Nazis take control of Germany
    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party take control of Germany.
  • Kristallnacht

    The night of the broken glass also known as Kristallnacht was when Nazis destroyed Jewish businesses.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland, starting World War ll.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    After Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, U.S enters war.
  • Midway win

    Midway win
    The U.S. wins the battle of Midway.
  • Diary

    Anne Frank writes her diary.
  • Warsaw Uprising

    Warsaw Uprising
    The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising occurs.
  • Italy conquered

    Italy conquered
    The Allies conquer Italy
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Allies win the Battle of the Bulge.
  • D-day

    D-day invasion occurs.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Battle of Iwo Jima
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Battle of Okinawa
  • Germany calls it quits

    Germany calls it quits
    Germany surrenders, ending the war in Europe.
  • Nuclear attack

    Nuclear attack
    The United States drops atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Japan Quits

    Japan Quits
    Japan surrenders, ending the War in the Pacific.