World War ll By Cesar Badillo

By Say-Zar
  • Timeline

    Adolf Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany
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    First official Nazi concentration camp opens in Dachau
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    Boycott of Jewish shops and businesses
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    First anti-Jewish racial laws enacted
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    Germany defines a Jew anyone with Jewish grandparents
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    Buchenwald concentration camp opens
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    Beginning of World War 2, Germany invades Poland
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    First Polish ghetto established in Piotrkow
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    Germans occupy Denmark and southern Norway
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    Germany invades the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France
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    France surrenders
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    Germany invades the Soviet Union
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    Heydrich appointed by Goring to implement the Final Solution
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    Battle of Britain begins
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    Japanese attack Pearl Harbor
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    United States declares war on Japan and Germany
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    Germany occupies Hungary
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    D-Day: Allied invasion at Normandy
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    Liberation of Buchenwald
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    Hitler commits suicide, liberation of Ravensbruck
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    Germany surrenders
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    Bombing of Hiroshima
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    Bombing of Nagasaki
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    Victory over Japan proclaimed
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    Japan surrenders; end of World War 2