220px bundesarchiv bild 183 s33882  adolf hitler retouched

World War ll

  • January 21 1921

    January 21 1921
    YouTube Hitler is leading the Nazi party
  • Bentio Mussolini

    Bentio Mussolini
    Bentio Mussolini is now prime minister of Italy
  • Josaf Stalin

    Josaf Stalin
    Leader of the soviet union
  • Japan

    Japan’s Army takes over Manchuria, China
  • Hitler

    Hitler is named chancellor
  • US Congress

    US Congress
    Neutrality Acts passed by US Congress
  • Italy

    Italy invades ethiopia
  • Japan

    Militarist take control of Japanese Government
  • Hitler

    Hitler sends men into rhindland in violation of the Treaty
  • Japans Army

    Japans Army
    Japan attacts Nanjing chine killing 500,000
  • Munich

    Munich Pact signed giving the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Germany
  • Nazis

    Nazis begin rounding up Jews for labor camps
  • The pact

    The pact
    Nazi Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin
  • Poland

    Nazis invade Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany
  • Denmark

    Nazis invade Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium – take control
  • USA

    DRAFT First time Peacetime Draft in US
  • France

    Germany invades France and forces it to surrender
  • Nazis

    Nazis invade Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium. Then take complete control
  • British

    Royal Air Force defeats German Air Force stoping the invasion.
  • No rules

    No rules
    Hitler breaks Pact with Stalin’s Russia and invades -USSR which now joins England in fighting the Germans
  • FDR

    FDRChurchill and FDR issue the Atlantic Charter
  • Japan

    Japanese invade French Indochina
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-fdNYPJXS8&safe=active Pearl Harbor in Hawaii attacked by Japanese Naval and Air forces, US declares war on Japan, Germany and Italy declare war on the US Dec. 9
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Turning point for the war on the pacfic.
  • Russia

    Stop nazis from reaching Mascow
  • philippines

    Philippines fall to Japanese
  • Camps

    Japanese Americans interned in isolated camps
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    Mussolini dissmissed prime Min.
  • Zoot suit Riot

    Zoot suit Riot
    Roits in LA
  • British and USA

    British and USA
    Both stop Germany and italy from raeching south africa
  • D-Day

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCR0dCyb2MA&safe=active D-Day invasion of France at Normandy by Allies
  • Paris

    Paris retaken by Allies Forces
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    BATTLEBattle of the Bulge last offensive of German Forces
  • US forces

    US forces
    The US forces return to the phillippines to recapiture.
  • FDR dies

    FDR dies
    FDR dies Harry S. Truman becomes President
  • BOOM

    First Atomic Bombs dropped
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    V-J Day, Japan surrenders to Allied Forces
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    V-E Day, war ends in Europe
  • War is over

    War is over
    War Crimes Trials held in Nuremburg, Germany; Manila, Philippines and Tokyo, Japan.