World War l

By Delta27
  • US, Woodrow Wilson elected President 191

    US, Woodrow Wilson elected President 191
    A stateman and a lawyer Woodrow Wilson gets elected as the 28th president of america on
  • EU- Assasination of Archduke Franz ferdinand

    EU- Assasination of Archduke Franz ferdinand
    The Archduke got shot by a member of the black hand
  • EU-Germany and France declare war on France

    EU-Germany and France declare war on France
    Germany invades france and declares war germany takes a advantage on france
  • EU-Britian declares war on Germany

    EU-Britian declares war on Germany
    Britian also publicly declares war on Germany
  • US-President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality

    US-President Woodrow Wilson declares US policy of Neutrality
    President states the the united states would stay neutral until further notice
  • US,EU-The Sinking of lucatina boat

    US,EU-The Sinking of lucatina boat
    Germany sunk the lusitania on may 7, 1925 1,198 people were killed, 128 US citizens
  • US, Woodrow Wilson elected President

    US, Woodrow Wilson elected President
    President woodrow got re-elected on november 7 1916
  • EU-Zimmerman Note

    EU-Zimmerman Note
    Great Britian retrieves a message from germany to mexico about being allies with germany
  • US-Wilson asks for Declaration of War

    US-Wilson asks for Declaration of War
    Wilsons asks crongress to declare war against Germany
  • US,EU-Congress passes the Espionage Acts

    US,EU-Congress passes the Espionage Acts
    Preety much most newspaper are banned any form of media that can leak events are banned
  • US-The United States Declares War/ Congress Votes to Declare War

    US-The United States Declares War/ Congress Votes to Declare War
    The votes come in and war is now official US declares war against germany
  • US-Spanish Influenza 1918

    US-Spanish Influenza 1918
    A deadly virus that infected over 500 million people around the world
    about 1/3 of the world had the virus
  • EU,US-Armistice 1918

    EU,US-Armistice 1918
    A agreement made to stop fighting on land air and water