Billy Bishop (+1)
- First to promote Air Craft in the war
- Allowed himself to fly into the German's bounds and kill them
- Pilots were glorified in WWl
War Artist (0)
- War opened up opportunities for many artists
- War had inspired many artists to reflect the world around them and use their talents
- This opened up many job opportunities
- promoted WWl
Lieutenant Colonel Allison Borden (+1)
Lt. Colonel Allison Borden had sent out a letter to all students, asking them to enlist their fathers, older brothers anyone who was able to fight in war. He asked the boys and girls to stay home and help at home in whatever way they could. Lt. Col. Borden was smart because by asking the students, he knew he would get men to enlist, and that's exactly what happened. -
Francis Pegahmabow (+1)
One of 4000 aboriginals
Original member of the first Canadian Battalion and the 2nd battle of Ypres
Witnessed poison gasses effects
Was an excellent sniper -
Leo Le Boutillier (+1)
- Was a part of the 1000 French Canadian volunteers to leave for Britain.
- 22nd Battalion,Battle of the Sommes, he had joined the battle with Newfoundland Reignment, which ended very poorly, Le Boutillier had died the first day of battle
- Even though he had died, he still showed progress when he had gone to Britain to “Represent Canada and Quebec, especially to the French citizens and soldiers.”
The Economy (0)
The government had been low on money, that meant they had no money to fund the war necessities. So, the government had come up with a way to get money by adding taxes on all things purchasable. This is progress because we still have taxes on most things today. This is a decline because this caused the people to pay more money. -
Jeremiah Jones (-1)
- One of many Black Candian Soldiers
- Fought for not only freedom but his rights and equality
- Even though he proved himself worthy of white soldiers, they couldn't stand Black Canadians
- Black Canadians were still discriminated after the war
Women at Home (0)
While men were enlisted in the war, their jobs weren't be worked for. The government called women to work the jobs of the men that had left to war. Those who already had a job quit and found a job with higher pay. Although women were asked to work, Black Canadian women were still discriminated for their skin and were not able to work in most places. -
Conscription (-2)
After many soldiers had died, there was a high demand for replacement for all the dead soldiers. The government had forced all men strong enough between the ages of 16-45 to enlist in the war. Many were against this, but many were for it. This caused a division between the Nation. -
Mae Belle Sampson (-2)
- Women were not able to enlist as soldiers but as Nurses and Ambulance drivers
- Mae Belle had died in enemy attack, along with all the other nurses
- Women were still unappreciated after the war