Alliance system
Before the war, Europe was split into two alliances.The two major ones were the Triple Entente and The Triple Alliance divided Europe. The Triple Entente was made up of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Great Britain, France, and Russia made up the Triple Alliance. -
How it begins
Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife got killed by a gunman in Sarajevo, Bosnia while they were in line to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. This upset a balance among the powers of Europe, and within weeks the powers were at war. -
The Battle of Marne
The Battle of Marne stopped the German from advancing into French. This battle made it clear that neither side could win the war quickly or easily, which means it became a stalemate. -
The War's New Weapon
Germans used poison gas for the first time against the Allied Troops in April 1915. The Allies soon started to use poison gas as well. To defend themselves soldiers from both sides started carrying around gas masks. Soldiers without gas masks faced lung damage or death. -
War at Sea
Germans used submarines to fight on water. Their U-boats sank ship that were carrying supplies to Britain. These ships ended up bringing the Untied States into the war. The Battle of Jutland was the biggest naval engagement of World War 1. -
Sussex Pledge
Some Americans got hurt when a German U boat attacked the unarmed French passenger ship Sussex. Germany started getting worried that the Americans, that were upset, would enter war. Germany then started trying to find a solution and this is where they go the Sussex Pledge. The Sussex Pledge made Germany to promise to warn neutral ships and passenger vessels before attacking and they also offered money to those injured on the Sussex. -
Battle of Somme
The Battle of Somme was the bloodiest military war in history. This battle started in July 1916 and ended November 1916. The British lost more than 57,000 deaths or injuries on the first day. By the end of this battle both sides would lose more than 1.5 million men. -
Promoting the War
After the United states declared war on Germany, the Committee on Public Information started sending out millions of articles, posters, books and pamphlets. They were doing this because they wanted to send out a pro-war message. They also hired artists, writes, speakers, and actors to build support. -
America enters the war
United States stated as a neutral nation because the sought trade with both sides. President Wilson decided the United States could no longer stay neutral and so he asked Congress for a declaration of war against Germany on April 2, 1917.Congress decided that the nation had to defend its self and 4 days later Congress passed a declaration of war, and Wilson signed it. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Vladimir Lenin led a group of communists,the Bolsheviks, that overthrew the government in November 1917 and created a Communist government. Lenin wanted to concentrate on building up a communist state. In March 1918, Lenin Signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany. Germany then had to remove their army from Russian lands. -
Battle of the Argonne Forest
The Battle of the Argonee Forest started in September 26, 1918 and ended in November 11, 1918. The Allies win but many Americans die (26,277). They had pushed back the Germans and broken through the lines and the Germans now faced an invasion of their own county. -
End of the War
The Allies have gotten stronger and the German government asked President Wilson for an armistice. Wilson agreed, but only under some conditions. Germany had to leave Belgium and France. He also said he would deal only with nonmilitary government leaders. On November 11, at the 11th hour on the 11 day of the 11th month, Germany agreed with the deal and the war was officially over.