World War II Timeline Project

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    Italian Invasion of Ethiopia

    Italy having been led by Benito Mussolini at the time invaded Ethiopia which was a part of the League of Nations. Italy, overpowering Ethiopia successfully took a major victory on April 9, 1936. This comes to show just how powerless the League of Nations comes to be without the support of the great powers.
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    Invasion of Poland

    On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland to regain their lost territory and for the ruling of the east. Poland, heavily overwhelmed and outnumbered, took a quick loss on October 6, 1939. This invasion led Great Britain and France to declare war on Nazi Germany.
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    Second Sino-Japanese War

    The Second Sino-Japanese War was the result of China going all out in an attempt to withstand the growing influence of Japan in China during 1931. In 1941, the allied powers intervened against Japan in the Pacific and Japan's home islands, leading to Japan's surrender in 1945. This war was brought into World War II after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941.
  • Munich Conference

    The Munich Agreement was put in place by the British and the French in an attempt to stop Germany from causing a war. Germany signed the Munich Pact stating they should avert war, in exchange Germany was given possession of Czechoslovakia. Germany then failed to follow the agreement in March 1939 causing the start of World War II.
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    Battle of the Atlantic

    The battle of the Atlantic was between the Western Allies and the Axis power, this battle took place on a sea route in the Atlantic Ocean. The conflict took place for the control of the Atlantic sea routes, the Allied forces looked to protect the allied sea movements throughout the Atlantic Ocean. Victory for the Allied forces came in 1943, taking unchallenged control of the Atlantic sea-lanes.
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    Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbossa was the codename for Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, launching code name Operation Barbossa on June 22, 1941. Germany was unable to defeat soviet forces, having been outpowered and outnumbered in tanks and aircraft. This created a major turning point in World War II for Germany.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor, a U.S naval base near Hawaii was subject to a surprise attack by the Japanese forces in hopes to eliminate any potential threat to Japan's Conquests in Asia. This attack killed over 2,400 people including civilians. The attack also brought down nearly 20 American naval vessels and over 300 aircraft. Despite the many casualties, Japan failed its goal of disarming the U.S fleet during World War II.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad was a battle between Russian powers against Nazi Germany and the Axis powers during World War II. This battle is known for being one of the longest and bloodiest wars still up to date. Just about two million were killed or severed during the war, many of those being Russian civilians. The Battle of Stalingrad was major to turn World War II in favor of the Allied forces.
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    D-Day (Normandy Invasion)

    D-Day was a battle that took place in Normandy in 1944, American, British, and Canadian forces were executed onto five beaches that were 50-miles long. Those beaches are majorly fortified on the coast of Normandy, France. The Allied forces were able to come out victorious by the spring of 1944, liberating all of Northern France. Germany having been defeated the Normandy landings came to be known as the beginning of the end of war in Europe.
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    Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    On August 6, 1945, America dropped the first-ever atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, causing the death of 80,000, many more later dying due to radiation exposure. Only three days later, another American B-29 bomber was sent to bomb Nagasaki killing an estimated 40,000 people. This caused the surrender of Japan on August 15, introducing the crushing power of “a new and most cruel bomb."