Germany Invades Poland, Inciting World War II
France and Britain Declare War on Germany
Germany Invades Denmark and Norway
Germany Invades Western Europe
Italy Invades Southern France
Battle of Britain Begins
Italy Begins to Invade Greece
Germany Loses the Battle of Britain
(20)Hungary, (22)Romania, and (23)Slovakia Join the Axis Powers
Germany Invades Yugoslavia and Greece
Germany Invades the Soviet Union
Euthanasia Program is Announced by a Bishop in Muenster
Soviet Counteroffensive Drive Germany out of Moscow
Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
The United States Declare War on Japan
Germany Declares War on the United States
Wannsee Conference Held Near Berlin, Germany
Germans Begin Deportation of Jews from the East to Auschwitz
Germany Launches New Offensive Towards Stalingrad
Axis Forces Surrender to the Allies in Tunisia
The Fascist Council Replaces Mussolini with Badoglio
Allied Troops Successfully Land in Anzio, Just South of Rome
Germany Surrenders to the Western Allies
Germany Surrenders to the Soviets
Japan Formally Surrenders to the United States