Start of World War II
World War II begins, Germany invades Poland Killing 16,336 civilians -
April 9th, 1940
Germany takes control of Denmark and southern Norway -
May 10th, 1940
Germany invaded the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France -
May 20th, 1940
Concentration camp Auschwitz opens -
June 22nd, 1940
France surrenders -
June 22nd, 1941
Germany invades the Soviet Union -
December 7th, 1941
Japanese attack Pearl harbor -
December 11th, 1941
United States declares war on Japan and Germany -
March 17th, 1942
Extermination of Jews begins in Belzec -
May, 1942
Extermination of Jews by gas begins in Sobibor killing center -
Winter 1942
Deportation of Jews from Germany, Greece and Norway to killing centers -
January 1943
German 6th Army surrenders at Stalingrad -
April 1943
SS takes control of previous POW camp Bergen-Belsen -
April 19th, 1943
Jews rebel in Warsaw ghetto After Germans try to liquidate 70,000 citizens -
Summer 1943
Jews start to fight back in Bedzin, Bialystok, Czestochowa, Lvov, and Tarnow ghettos -
Fall 1943
Large liquidation of Jewish ghettos in Minsk, Vilna, and Riga -
October 14th, 1943
Jews revolt in Sobibor extermination camp -
March 19th, 1944
Germans occupy Hungary -
May 15th, 1944
Nazis begin deporting Hungarian Jews, 380,000 in the next couple months -
June 6th, 1944
D-day, Allied invasion of Normandy -
Spring/Summer 1944
Soviet Union forces repels Nazi forces -
July 20th, 1944
Group of Nazi soldiers attempt to assassinate Hitler -
July 24th, 1944
Russian set Majdanek killing center free -
October 7th, 1944
Jewish revolt at concentration camp Auschwitz -
January 17th, 1945
Evacuation of Auschwitz -
April 8th-May 4th, 1945
Liberation of concentration camps captured by Allied powers -
April 30th, 1945
Hitler commits suicide -
May 8th, 1945
V-E Day, Germany surrenders -
August 6th, 1945
Bombing of Hiroshima -
April 9th, 1945
Bombing of Nagasaki -
September 2nd, 1945
Japan surrenders, end of World War II