Start of World War II
Germany invades Poland, England and France then declare war on Germany -
Soviets invade Finland
Finland signs peace treaty with the USSR
Nazis invade Denmark and Norway
Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands
Holland surrenders to the Nazis
Belgium surrenders to the Nazis
German bombing against airfields and factories in England
President Roosevelt signs the lend-lease act
The lend-lease act provided military aid to foregin countries -
The German bomb London and Britain bomb Hamburg
The United States freeze German and Italian assets in America
The first experimental use of the gas chamber was done in Auschwitz
Nazis murder 33,771 Jews at Kiev which was overtaken by the Nazis just 10 days before
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
The United States and Britain declare war on Japan
Hitler declares war on the United States
Hitler takes complete control over the German army
Mass murder of jews by gassing at Auschwitz begin
Battle of Stalingrad starts
Professor Enrico Fermi sets up an atomic reactor in Chicago
Germany surrenders at Stalingrad in their first big defeat
Mussolini is arrested and the Italian fascist government falls
D-Day landing in northern France
End of World War II
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