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World War II Timeline by Austin Lewis

By lewisaw
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

  • Italy Invades Ethiopia

  • Germany and Italy Sign a Treaty of

    Germany and Italy Sign a Treaty of
    Cooperation, beginning the Axis Powers
  • Germany and Japan Sign an Agreement

    Germany and Japan Sign an Agreement
    to work together against the USSR
  • Japan Invades China,

    initiating WWII in the Pacific
  • Italy Invades Albania

  • Germany and the USSR Sign a

    Germany and the USSR Sign a
    nonaggression agreement
  • World War II Officially Begins

    World War II Officially Begins
    with Germany invading Poland
  • Great Britain and France Declare

    war on Germany
  • The USSR Invades Finland

  • Germany Invades Denmark and Norway

  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
  • The United States Declare War on Japan

  • Japan Takes Singapore and the East Indies

  • Battle of Coral Sea

    Battle of Coral Sea
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
  • "Island Hopping" Begins

    "Island Hopping" Begins
  • Battle of Philippine Sea

    Battle of Philippine Sea
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf

    Battle of Leyte Gulf
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
  • Roosevelt Dies, Truman Becomes President

    Roosevelt Dies, Truman Becomes President
  • Germany Surrenders to the Allies and the USSR

    Germany Surrenders to the Allies and the USSR
    shortly after the suicide of Hitler
  • The United States Bombs Hiroshima

    The United States Bombs Hiroshima
  • The United States Bombs Nagasaki

    The United States Bombs Nagasaki
  • World War II Officially Ends

    World War II Officially Ends
    with the surrender of Japan