World War II timeline

By m.seyle
  • Germany invades Poland

    German soldiers invade Poland
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    The US does not join the war yet, but needs to watch out due to allies joining
  • France falls to Germany

    An allied power falls to Germany. Many American and British ships and equipment were destroyed
  • Japan and Soviet Union sign non-aggression pact

    The Japanese and Soviet Union sign this pact and promise not to attack each other under certain circumstances
  • US declares war on Japan

    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the US declares war on Japan. The direct attack is a direct offense to the US and puts us in danger. The US then joins the war
  • Battle of Midway

    This was a naval battle between the US and Japan. This ended Japan's eastward expansion
  • Stalingrad

    The last go the Germans leave Stalingrad. The Germans failed and could no longer advance into Russia
  • Bomb #1

    The US drops a bomb on Hiroshima. They do this to try to make Japan surrender. They do not surrender
  • Bomb #2

    The US drops a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki to try to make Japan surrender. They do not surrender
  • Surrender

    Japan agrees to unconditional surrender. World War II is over