Great Depression begins
The stock market crash caused the Great Depression which affected WWII because it made European countries desire more land. http://www.sahistory.org.za/article/what-was-great-depression-and-why-did-it-start-usa -
This is also known as "the night of broken glass". This was an act of terror made by Nazi mobs, the Nazi's destroyed thousands of synagogues and Jewish businesses and homes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristallnacht -
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
The bombs ruined all the American military
planes and killed over 2,000 soldiers, sailors, and
civilians. There were at least 18 bombs that hit U.S. ships. https://www.atomicheritage.org/history/attack-pearl-harbor-1941 -
D-day was the turning point of WWII, this was the beginning of the end of the Nazi domination of Europe. http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/d-day -
Roosevelt Death
President Franklin Roosevelt died suddenly. This affected WWII by causing the vice president of the United States to move up and take charge. This meant a new leader for the United States. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/216806169539913809/ -
Adolf Hitler Kills himself
Adolf Hitler kills himself in his Bunker with Allied Forces on his doorstep. http://www.hitlerschildren.com/article/936-how-did-hitler-die -
V-E day
"V-E day" stands for victory in Europe against the United States. This affected WWII by having a victory, and everybody surrendered. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/events/ve_day -
Japanese leaders Sued for peace
The Japanese leaders sued for peace with the Americans. The Japanese asked for their Emperor, Hirohito, be allowed to remain on his throne, though stripped of power. http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2016/08/10/479298/Hiroshima-Nagasaki-us-bombing -
Allies Surrender
United States Allies held Official surrender to the Japanese. They surrendered to give the Japanese peace. https://www.pri.org/stories/2015-08-15/looking-back-events-led-surrender-japan-70-years-agio -
Nuremberg War crimes trial begins
Founding of the U.N.; Potsdam Conference; dropping of the atomic bombs; Japan surrenders; Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal
begins. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/479844535268566135/