Pearl Harbor
A battle scene from the 2001 movie Pearl HarborA Japanese fleet of planes bombs an outpost in Hawaii. This bombing took out a total of 188 docked ships at the harbor. This attack is what got the United States of America involved in World War II. -
Japanese take Singapore
This is howing how bad the Japanese treated their prisonersThe Japanese capture Singapore from British forces. The Japanese took about 60,000 prisoners. These 60,000 prisoners joined the 50,000 taken in the Malayan campaign. -
Battle of Midway
Japense cruiser sunk in thebattle of MidwayThis was a three day battle which the United States Navy beat Japan. This was called the battle of Miday because it was halfwat between Hawaii and Japan. Following this battle the US pushes Japanese forces back. -
Italy Surrenders
Italy Signing their SurrenderMussolini(dictator of Italy) has been kicked out of office by British and US forces. After words the Germans take control of Italiaqn army and freed Mussolini. After Mussolini was freed the Germans put him as head of Northern Italy blocking any further Allied advances. -
Soldiers Getting out of ships for D-dayAllied forces launch an attack on the beach of Normandy, France. Germans had been fed false information and couldn't prevent the allies from forming a strong bridgehead. To the allies it was important to capture a port first. -
Mussolini Captured and Executed
Bineto MussoliniItalian forces capture and kill Mussolini. This frees Italy from any dictators. This also allows Allied forces to advance up through Italy. -
Hitler Comits Suicide
Hilter DeadThe German leader/dictator kills himself. He killed himself in his bulletproof shelter with his wife Eva Braun. Hitler had just made her his wife when they both comitted suicide together. -
German Forces Surrender
Wilhelm Keitel surrendering to Allies in BerlinGerman forces in north west Germany, Holland and Denmark surrender to Mongomery. Admeral Dontiz had tried to reach an agreement to surrender to western Allies, but to keep fighting the Russians. However his request was denied. -
Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima
After math of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima JapanThe Generals of Japanese forces refuse to surrender. So the United States drops the first atom bomb on Hiroshima. This killed or infected the whole island with atomic radiation. -
Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki
After math of NagasakiUnited States forces drop the second bomb atom bomb 3 days after Hiroshima. The Japanese forces had not surrendered following Hiroshima. After the atom bomb dropped on Nagasaki Japan surrenders 5 days later.