World War II Poland

  • Battle of Westerplatte

    The battleship Schleswig-Holstein, opened fire on a Polish garrison. The post was well defended, and the polish forces managed to repel three attaks that day. Using thier superior position to thier advantage, the german forces were caught in the corss fire of multiple artillary gunmen. After 7 days, the Polish Major was forced to surrendor the base due to a lcak of ammunition and supplies.
  • Bombing of Wielun

    The Bombing of Wielun marked the beginning of World War II, and is officially known as the first act of war in the conflict. Early, September 1st, Luftwaffe bombed the polish city of Wielun. There were no military targets in the city at the time, which led people to believe that they purposely targeted civilians. Casualties amounted to around, 1,400 people. Along with major damage to the cities infrastructure.
  • Period: to

    World War II in Poland

  • Battle of Wizna

  • Battle of Bzura

  • Lodz

    Nazi decrees establishment of Jewish ghetto in Lodz Poland.
  • Plotsk Poland

    1st transport of Jews to concentration camps leave Plotsk Poland
  • Da Jewish StreetZ #TheStruggleIsReal

    Hitler orders the deportaton of the remainder of Jews in Berlin deported to the ghettos in Poland
  • Polish Plans for Warsaw Uprising

    Plans by the Polish Army are laid out for a resistance and uprising in the Capital City of Warsaw against their Germn overseers.
  • Warsaw Uprising

    The Warsaw Uprising was a major World War II operation by the Polish Resistance Home Army to liberate Warsaw from Nazi Germany.
  • Polish Army and Soviet Army

    Polish Army units fight alongside the Soviet Army and make a dash to supposrt their comrades in Warsaw.
  • Ordered to Surrender

    Polish General Komorowski orders his Polish army to surrender to the Germans.
  • Polish Military Surrenders

    Polish military forces all surrender to the German Army, ending the valliant uprising.
  • Polish Civilians Meet Their End

    About 250,000 Polish civilians and soldiers of Warsaw will meet their end through execution or deportation to Nazi concentration camps as a result of the Warsaw uprising.
  • The Red Army

    The Red Army Enacts a massive offensive against German foes along the East Front.
  • Hitler Reorders His Forces

    Hitler reorders his forces, weakening key areas of defense, to attempt a flanking manuver against the Red Army around Poznan.
  • The Polish Warsaw Officially Falls

    The Polish capital city of Warsaw officially falls to the advancing Soviet Army.
  • Pozan Falls to the Soviet Army

    Poznan falls to the Soviet Army after the defending German troops surrender.