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World War II in Singapore, British Perspective

  • The Japanese Invaded

    The Japanese Invaded
    The battle in Singapore against the Japanese begin. The British, Australians, Malay, Indians and Chinese fought hard for Singapore
  • Period: to

    The Battleof Singapore

  • The Battle of Singapore Begins

    The Battle of Singapore Begins
    The Japanese soldiers invaded Singapore, killing many residents while trying to take over the small Island of Singapore from the British.
  • Japanese Occupied the McRitchie Reservoir & Threatened to Stop the Water Flow

    Japanese Occupied the McRitchie Reservoir & Threatened to Stop the Water Flow
    The Japanese had occupied the McRitchie reservoir, which cut off most of the supply of clean water. This place was targeted to give the British no choice, but to surrender.
  • The British surrender to the Japanese

    The British surrender to the Japanese
    It was unexpected when Liutenant AE Percival surrendered to General Yamashita. The British were low on ammunition, they had very little acess to water, and they had lost almost all communication with their troops. The Japanese had them under continuos attack, and Percival had to choice but to surrender. Percival attempted to make an agreement with Yamashita, but Yamashita refused anything, and made Percival sign the unconditional surrender.
  • The Death Rail

    The Death Rail
    More than 16,000 prisoners of war died in the consturcutiong of the railway. The POW consisted of Malays, Chinese, Dutch, British, Australians and Indians. They died from malnutrition, diseases, accidents, exhaustion and sickness. And the Prisoners of War recieved little or no medical care.
  • Food Shortages

    Food Shortages
    By late 1944 the Japanese were suffering from severe food shortages, which was making their rule of countries they were occupying weak.
  • Bomb Dropped in Hiroshima

    Bomb Dropped in Hiroshima
    An atomic bomb was dropped by the Americans in Hiroshima, killing more than 70,000 civilians
  • Bomb Dropped in Nagasaki

    The Americans dropped another bomb in Japan, but this time in Nagasaki killing about 40,000.
  • Japan Gives Singapore Back to the British

    Japan Gives Singapore Back to the British
    In early 1945 the US had gained the upper hand, and bombed Japan twice with atomic bombs. Too many people were killed and the Japanese emperor didn't want to risk any more of his citizans getting hurt. The bombs individually hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing many people.