World War II Important Dates

  • Beginning of Nazi Germany

    Beginning of Nazi Germany
    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany. This is the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany as Hitler comes to power and almost immediately made himself known around the world.
  • Italian Invasion

    Italian Invasion
    Mussolini and Italy invade Ethiopia
  • Japan comes out victourious

    Japan comes out victourious
    Japan defeats China in clash over Northern China
  • FDR speaks out

    FDR speaks out
    President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt gives a speech regarding what is going on with Japan and China. He suggests that countries should come together as one so that they can prevent another war from occuring.
  • Japan dive bombs a plane in China

    Japan dive bombs a plane in China
    Japan planned another attack on China but it misfired and they hit a United States Cargo ship named the Panay. Japan was apologetic and paid for the reparations.
  • Hitler Makes a Newsworthy Announcement

    Hitler Makes a Newsworthy Announcement
    Chancellor Adolf Hitler makes an announcement saying that he will be in support of Japan for as long as he rules,
  • Germany Warns All Jews

    Germany Warns All Jews
    Hermann Goering, Hitler's second man in charge and marshall of the Third Reich, warns all Jews in Austria to evacuate or else there would be heavy consequences.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland on ground and by air. Poland ends up being very heavily damaged
  • Great Britain and France Declare War

    Great Britain and France Declare War
    Following the invasion of Poland, Great Britain and France collaboratively declared war on the axis powers, specifically Germany.
  • France Gets Destroyed

    France Gets Destroyed
    Only half a year after declaring war on Germany, France gets absolutely decimated by Germany and they are immediately put in a terrible position in World War II.
  • France Formally Surrenders

    France Formally Surrenders
    France was attacked by Italy from the south only two weeks prior and France realised how they were in terrible position. They made the right decision to withdraw from the war as their army was no match compared to others surrounding them.
  • Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Raided

    Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Raided
    On December 7, 1941 Japan attacks the then neutral United States naval base in Hawaii. Immediately following these attacks, President Franklin Roosevelt announces that the U.S will join the war and fight against the axis powers.
  • Churchill and Roosevelt meet in Casablanca

    Churchill and Roosevelt meet in Casablanca
    President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill of Britain met in Casablanca in Africa to discuss war strategies for attacking Japan, Italy and Germany.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italy Surrenders
    The Italian government surrenders to allied powers, but German army forces occupy most of Italy.
  • D-Day

    The first 3 million allied soldiers arrive on the beaches of Normandy, France and begin charging the axis powers.
  • FDR Dies

    FDR Dies
    President Franklin Roosevelt dies of cerebral hemorrhage. Harry Truman takes over power.
  • Mussolini Dies

    Mussolini Dies
    Italian insurgents capture Mussolini, murder him, and mutilate his body.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Adolf Hitler and his wife commit suicide during a battle, but Germany attempts to fight on.
  • Victory in Europe Day

    Victory in Europe Day
    This day signified the end of war in Europe and put a cap on World War II.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    The last of the axis powers finally surrenders and this signified the end of World War II for every country in the world.