Germany Invades Poland
Germany invades Poland, sparking the next World War. Hitler used the strategy "Blitzkrieg" which was a massive bombardment of whichever unlucky nation that was a Nazi target at the time. The targets supply lines of fuel, food, water and firepower were destroyed. -
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World War II
The second "World War" that involved North America, Europe and a small part of Asia (Japan). Germany didn't like the Treaty of Versailles so eventually Hitler showed up and promised justice for WWI. Hitler eventually attacked Poland and sparked the war. World War II changed the face of warfare by adding more dangerous weapons, new tactics, and nuclear warfare. -
Germany Invades France
Germany invades France and captures Paris for the Nazis. The Nazi airforce first breached the border, followed by troops on the ground. Then the heavier land weapons came in (tanks). This removed France from the Allies and gave the Axis more fuel and resources. -
Battle Of Britan
Hitler wanted to invade Britain to get rid of competition. The Royal Airforce met the Nazi airforce in the middle and gunned a few down. But then the Nazis bombed the British supply lines crippling the British forces. Though the British eventually drove the Nazis out of their nation. -
This was the act passed that stated that the US could lend military support to foreign countries.The US lent guns, supplies, and troops to the UK to help fight the war against the Nazis. This greatly boosted the Allied Powers to many more victories. -
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Germany Invades Soviet Union
This was a multi-month invasion on the Soviet Union carried out by Nazi Germany. Also called "Operation Barbarossa" it was the largest German military operation in history. It elimenated the "Communist threat" and killed the Soviet Jews. -
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
Japanese bombers dropped bombs on the U.S. naval base called Pearl Harbor. This destroyed the naval base and angered the people. This forced the U.S. into WWII. -
Germany Declares War on the United States
Japan informs Germany about the straining relations between them and the US. Japan then tells Germany to declare war on the US. The US also declares war on Germany, locking in the US role as an Allied Power. This added to the Allies firepower and greatly changed the war. -
Battle of Midway
The Battle of Midway was definitely a US victory. Over 250 Japanese aircraft were destroyed along with all of their carriers. This battle massively crippled the Japanese military and helped push them to surrender. -
The Normandy Landings, or "D-day", was the day on which over 160000 Allied troops landed on Normandy to destroy the Nazi German troops. Nearly 687714 people died that day of various causes. The Allied troops gained a good foothold on Nazi German territory and proceed to slaughter the Nazi troops. -
One of the Japanese cities that the U.S. dropped one of the first atomic bombs on. There were many casualties and the land went into fallout. This drove Japan to surrender and for the Allies to win WWII. -
One of the Japanese cities that the U.S. dropped one of the first atomic bombs on. There were many casualties and the land went into fallout. This drove Japan to surrender and the Allied powers to win WWII.