Wwii pic

World War II

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    The Holocaust

  • Kristallnacht

    Called "the Night of Broken Glass," this is a massive, government-supported riot against Jews. Around 7,500 Jewish businesses are looted, 191 synagogues are destroyed, and over 90 Jews die.
  • The Start of the War

    The Start of the War
    On this day in 1939 Hitler invaded Poland, subseqeuntly starting WWII in Europe.
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  • Germany Invades Demark and Norway

    Germany Invades Demark and Norway
    Germany starts the invasion and both countries soon fall.
  • Germany Invades France and the Low Countries

    Germany Invades France and the Low Countries
    Germany invades and the Low Countries are taken quickly but France holds out a little while longer until Italy invades. The Low Countries include Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
  • The Battle of Britain Begins

    The Battle of Britain Begins
    Germany invades Britain but fails to overpower them.
  • Germany Invades Yugoslavia and Greece

    Germany Invades Yugoslavia and Greece
    Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece, whom are both swiftly crushed.
  • Germany Invades the USSR

    Germany Invades the USSR
    Germany attempts with invade with hopeful results in the beginning but the Soviets hold out for much longer than Germany anticipated and the freezing winter and lack of supplies finishes off the invasion.
  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
    Goind down as one of the most infamous days in U.S. history, Japan bombs Pearl Harbor and brings the U.S. into the war the very next day. Many historians agree if this had not happened the U.S. may never have joined the war until it was too late, as only Britain was left in the resistance in Europe.
  • Italy Surrenders

    Italy Surrenders
    Italy surrenders to the Allies, though Germany is still strong.
  • D-Day

    One of the most famous days in WWII, the Allies invade France. They send in over 130,000 American, British, and Canadian troops.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    HItler commits suicide after seeing the destruction of his army and the failing war effort.
  • Germany Surrenders to the Allies

    Germany Surrenders to the Allies
    Germany unconditionally surrenders to the Allies, the end of the war in Europe.
  • U.S. Drops Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima

    U.S. Drops Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
    One of the most infamous days in WWII, the U.S. drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima killing over 70,000 people instantly.
  • U.S. Drops Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki

    U.S. Drops Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki
    Repeating the event that ocurred in Hiroshima only 3 days before, the U.S. drops another atomic bomb, this time on Nagasaki.
  • WWII Officially Ends

    WWII Officially Ends
    Japan officially surrenders, ending WWII.