World War II

  • Hitler Rises To Power

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany. He was born in Austria and served in WWI. He was the head to the Nazi party.
  • Hitler's Pledge

  • The Axis Powers

    Germany, Italy, & Japan have now formed a pact now known as "The Axis Powers".
  • Italy Invasion on Ethiopia

    The Fascist Leader of Italy, Benito Mussolini invaded Ethiopia to expand Italian Territory.
  • Germany annexes Austria

  • Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich Agreement

  • Germany breaks the Munich Agreement and occupies the rest of Czech lands.

  • Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Pact, dividing Eastern Europe into spheres of influence.


    As of today, the Nazi Germany has invaded Poland, and these actions could possibly start a new war.
  • Honoring their support of Poland!

    After the invasion of Poland, Great Britain and France has declared War on Germany!
  • Now, The Soviet Union has invaded Poland!

  • The Phony War

    No action has occur yet ever since the UK and France declared war on Germany.
  • Auschwitz

    Nazi Germany built camps to put the Jews and would "eliminate" them.
  • Germany Invades Denmark & Normway

    Germany invades Denmark and Normway to go around to invade France.
  • The Fall of France

    Germany successfully invades France and took over.
  • Operation Sea Lion

    This is the code name for Germany's invasion against Great Britain and failed to take over Great Britain.
  • North African Campaign

  • Britain Defeats Germany!!!

    Germany had an advantage of defeating Great Britain, but Great Britain had radar which won them the war and in defeating Germany.
  • The Battle of Britain Ends

  • Operation Barbarossa

    Germany broke their non-aggression pact with The Soviet Union by invading them and still lost the battle.
  • Kristallnacht

  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor
  • Battle of Midway Ends

  • Battle of Guadalcanal

  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Germany and it's allies invades and tries to take over the City of Stalingrad.
  • D-Day

    The Allies invading Normandy.

    Hitler and Germany has surrendered and has lost the World War
  • Hiroshima...

    The US bombed Hiroshima in Japan.
  • and now Nagasaki....

    Three days later and the US has now bombed Nagasaki.
  • And now the World War is over.....

    After the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan has now surrendered and ended the 2nd World War.