World War II

  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland both on air and land also known as the Blitzkrieg; Soviet Union was also attacking Poland. Hitler wanted to gain more territory and control more land. Poland surrenders and France and Britain declare war on Germany.
  • Germany bombs London

    Germany bombs London
    Germany begins to bomb London and a battle has just begun, known as the "Blitz". The need for Germany to gain more land and control more territory. Many are killed during these bombings, but Britain never surrenders defeating the Germans.
  • Germany invades France

    Germany invades France
    France is invaded by Germany and Paris is seized in a quick rush due to their strategy of attacking from behind. Germany wanted to gain as much land as he could. France is destroyed by the German forces easily.
  • United States gives Britain war supplies

    United States gives Britain war supplies
    America gave Britain war supplies and old ships for the battles that were going on. America wanted to help Britain and other countries stop Germany from doing more damage. This helped Britain with the battles and America by getting military bases in return.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor with a surprise military strike with air forces right in the morning. Japan wanted to get rid of America's fleet units to prevent them from interfering with their goal of taking over Asia. This attack killed around 2,300 people and got rid of Americas battleship U.S.S.
  • America declares war on Japan and Germany

    America declares war on Japan and Germany
    After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Germany decides to declare war on America, leading to America declare war on both Germany and Japan. United States made this choice due to the surprise attack from Japan and the over powering Adolf Hitler's moves. America now has to battle against Germany and defeat them before Hitler does more damage and then after fight against Japan.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Battle in north-central Pacific Ocean between the United States and Japan; ships and air craft were included in this significant event where many ships were sunk. Japan and America were now in war and Japan wanted to have military bases. America won this huge battle destroying many of Japan's planes and ships.
  • Germany invades Soviet Union

    Germany invades Soviet Union
    Stalingrad, a city in Soviet Union is attacked by Germany forces and considered a bloody battle where bombs were dropped. This was a city Germany wanted to take control of like many other areas. The soviet Union defeats Germany leading them to have another loose in this journey of invading countries to gain land.
  • D-day in Western Europe

    D-day in Western Europe
    America and allied troops go to Normandy, France and fight in the battle D-day to free Western Europe from Hitlers hands. This battle happened for the reason of wanting to grant liberty to Western Europe and no further damage from Hitler. This ended the villain Hitler and his troops, and freed Western Europe from Hitler's goals of controlling all of Europe.
  • United States drops atomic bombs

    United States drops atomic bombs
    The United States drops two atomic bombs on Japan, one in Hiroshima known as "Little boy", and the other one on Nagasaki known as "Fat Boy". These bombs were dropped to end war with Japan and also end World War ll. Japan finally surrendered after the second bomb was dropped and World War ll was officially over.