
World War II

  • Mussolini gains power

    Mussolini gains power
    He was appointed to prime minister.
  • Stalin come into power

    Stalin come into power
    He use communism for the soviet Russia
  • Hirohito seizes machuria

    Hirohito seizes machuria
    Japan takes over the Machuria
  • Hitler gains power

    Hitler gains power
    Hitler is the German chanceilor
  • Italy takes over Ethiopia

    Italy takes over Ethiopia
    The first time since imperialism came into play during the early 1850- early 1900's
  • The spainsh revolution begins

    The spainsh revolution begins
    The fascist countries supported Francisco Franco the facsist ruler
  • The Munich conference is begins

    The Munich conference is begins
    France and Britain gave in to Hitler's demands
  • Germany and Soviets make a treaty

    Germany and Soviets make a treaty
    this means they won't invade each other
  • Germany ivandes Poland and Great Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Germany ivandes Poland and Great Britain and France declare war on Germany
    Britain and France declare war on Germany
  • France surrenders to Germany

    France surrenders to Germany
    1 year after they declare war
  • Hideki Tōjō gains power

    Hideki Tōjō gains power
    He becomes prime minister
  • Germany invades Russia

    Germany invades Russia
    For oil
  • Pearl harbor was bombed by Japan

    Pearl harbor was bombed by Japan
    America cut off their oil supply
  • Allies defeat Japan in the battle of Midway

    Allies defeat Japan in the battle of Midway
  • Ailies invade North Africa

    Ailies invade North Africa
    Africa was contoles by the axis
  • Russia surrender to Germany

    Russia surrender to Germany
    In the Battle of Stalingrad
  • D-day invasion

    D-day invasion
    Aericans first invasion to Europe in WW2
  • Mussolini Exacuted

    Mussolini Exacuted
    By communist partisans Valerio
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Hitler killed himself and the nazi party with it
  • The U.S drops fat man and little boy on Japan

    The U.S drops fat man and little boy on Japan
    They were on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    A month after the atomic bombs