Hitler began the rearmament of Germany, secretly and in violation of the Versailles Treaty -
Concentration Camps
First official concentration camp opened at Dachau -
Concentration Camps
Germany concentration camps (Konzentrationslager in Germany, or KZ) held some 27,000 people in "protective custody." -
Nazi Germany
Hitler was appointed German chancellor and his Nazi government soon came to control every aspect of German life. -
Nazi Germany
Jews in Germany numbered around 525,000 or only 1 percent of the total German population. -
Hitler took power and made himself supreme leader -
Japan invaded China -
Nazi Germany
German synagogues were burned and windows in Jewish shops were smashed -
Nazi Germany
Nazi invaded Russia breaking a non-aggression pact. -
World War II Starts
Nazi Germany
Germany invaded Poland, and Great Britain and France declared war on Germany -
Nazi Germany
France and Britain declared war in Germany -
Soviet troops invaded Poland from the East. -
Western Desert Campaign started -
Germany and the Soviet Union had divided control over the nation, according to a secret protocol appended to the Nonaggression Pact -
German army expended Hitler's empire in Europe, Conquering Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and France. -
America started fighting in the war -
Concentration Camps
The Germans began mass transports from the ghettos in Poland to concentration camps. -
Battle of Stalingrad which was one of the bloodiest battles in war -
Concentration Camps
Jews were deported to the camps from all over Europe -
Concentration Camps
This is when the heaviest deportations took place, when more than 300,000 people were deported from the Warsaw ghetto alone. -
Concentration Camps
The first mass gassing began at the camp of Belzec, near Lublin -
Concentration Camps
A large population of Hungary's Jewish population was deported to Auschwitz, and as many as 12,000 Jews were killed every day -
Nazi Germany
Allied defeat of both Nazi Germany and Japan -
World War II Ends
Concentration Camps
The German Government made payments to individual Jews and to the Jewish people as a way of acknowledging the Germans people's responsibility for the crimes committed in their name