This was a naval battle taking place for over 6 years in which Germany fought the Allies for control over the Atlantic. This was a key battle for Canada as they showed that not only could they fly, but were also very competent on the water as well. The Royal Canadian navy played a big part in the Allied victory. 5/8 -
The Liberation of the Netherlands is what I believe to be the most significant battle in WWII that most contributed to Canada's growing independence because I believe it perfectly portrayed the loyalty and heart that every Canadian has. Not only were they in the war fighting alongside and for Britatin, but for any country that needed their assistance. Netherlands still thanks them to this day, sending them tulips annually. 1/8 -
The Battle of Dunkirk occured when Germans had the allies trapped and they had to evacuate immediately. This was slightly significant for Canada as they showed that they could fight under pressure and when there was a lot at risk. 7/8 -
Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain was the name given to the air campaign of Word War II. It was filled with bombing and air raids. This was Canada's first involvement in the air in World War II. They finally got to utilize their highly skilled RCAF Pilots freshly graduated out of Canadian academies, They all aided in the efforts as another Allied victory came about. 6/8 -
Battle of Hong Kong
For most of the war, Canada was entering battles after they were instructed to by Britain. However, in the Battle of Hong Kong, Canada came in alone on a decision made by themselves. Even though they came in to protect a British Colony from Japan, it was still an independent decision and showed that they were no followers. 3/8 -
The Dieppe Raid was an Allied attack on the French coast port of Dieppe, occuped by Germans. This did nothing to help Canada's independence and even hurt it as it showed that they would go into battle and lose mass amounts of people because they were instructed to. 8/8 -
Italian Campaign
Canadian, British and American troops landed in southern Sicily, where Canadians would help gain control of the island. Canadians showed incredible creativity by developing the "mousehole" technique to flush out rooms full of enemy soldiers. This further proved them as an innovative and brave country on the battlefield. 4/8 -
D-Day was the invasion of Europe by the Allied navies, where Canada was to capture Juno Beach. Canada withstood all the pouring lines of German soldiers. This showed the attitude, heart and loyalty the nation of Canada had become known for. The men sacrificed everything to complete their goals and objectives that weren’t even theirs to begin with. Not to mention that no other nation besides the United States and Great Britain were given the full responsibility of securing a specific beach. 2/8