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World War II

  • US Stock Market

    US Stock Market
    Led to the Great Depression and affected WWII because it made European countries want more land.
  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust began in Germany. Hitler began by killing many Jews.
  • Rise of Fascism

    Rise of Fascism
    The rise of fascism threatened world peace. Hitler forced Austria to unite with Germany.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    When Hitler began the Battle of Britain, more Americans recognized the Nazi's as threats.
  • Conquering Poland

    Conquering Poland
    Germany tanks rolled into Poland. After Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war.
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, resulting in the USA declaring war the day after.
  • D - Day

    D - Day
    An invasion with a masterful coordination on allied land. After fighting intensely for a few days, the allies manage to break thru German forcers.
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The "Big Three" agreed to a New International Organization after the Soviet Union agreed to help the allies fight Japan, once Germany surrendured.
  • Surrendering

    Germany surrendered and everyone celebrated in victory.
  • Nuremberg War Crime Trials

    Nuremberg War Crime Trials
    Nazi's location where war crime trials were held.