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World War II

  • Adolf Gains Control

    Adolf Gains Control
    Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Party in Germany, becomes Chancellor of Germany.
  • Attacks on Jewish Homes

    Attacks on Jewish Homes
    A series of attacks take place on Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues across Germany and Austria. The attacks become known as Kristallnacht (the Night of the Broken Glass)
  • Britain and Australia Declare War

    Britain and Australia Declare War
    Britain declares war on Germany following the German army's invasion of Poland. Australia also declares war on Germany.
  • Germany invasions

    Germany invasions
    Germany invades Denmark, the Low countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) and France.
  • Germany launches air assaults

    Germany launches air assaults
    Germany launches an air assault on Britain known as the Battle of Britain.
  • Blitz

    Germany commences its bombing campaign on Britain, known as the Blitz. It continues until May 1941.
  • Australian troops

    Australian troops
    Australian troops involved in the siege of Tobruk
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Hitler launches Operation Barbarossa, the start of war on the Eastern Front: and begins planning the 'Final Solution'.
  • Japan attacks

    Japan attacks
    Japan attacks the US naval base in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. The USA enters the war.
  • Singapore falls

    Singapore falls
    Singapore falls to the Japanese and many allied soldiers are taken as prisoners of war. Japanese aircraft bomb Darwin.
  • USA kills Japanese Navy

    USA kills Japanese Navy
    USA inflicts heavy losses on Japanese navy through The Battle of Coral Sea & The Battle of Midway
  • Australian troops defend trail

    Australian troops defend trail
    Australian troops defence of the Kokoda Trail prevents Japanese forces from taking control of Port Moresby, Papua New guinea. The Allies win a decisive victory at the Second Battle of El Alamein.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Germany surrenders at The Battle of Stalingrad.
  • US forces capture

    US forces capture
    US forces in the pacific capture the Islands of Io Jima and Okinawa
  • D-Day

    'D-Day' - Allied forces invade France and begin advancing towards Germany from the west, liberating France in August 1944.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Germany surrenders and allied soldiers liberate prisoners from Nazi concentration camps.
  • Atomic bombs

    Atomic bombs
    The US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Japan surrenders on 2nd of September, 1945