
Main Events of the Holocaust

  • Germany was defeated at the end of World War I.

  • Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles in France, officially ending WWI, which weakened Germany's power.

  • Hitler's propaganda memoir "Mein Kampf" was published, noted for going into detail of his ideal race.

  • Dachau, the first concentration camp, was opened in southern Germany for criminals, Gypsies, homosexuals, asocials, and Jews.

  • Hitler became the dictator of Germany through the Enabling Act.

  • Nuremberg Race Laws stripped German Jews of their rights and citizenship.

  • The Gestapo, or secret German police, were placed above the law.

  • "Anschluss" (union) was established between Austria and Germany, bringing along Germany's anti-semitic laws.

  • "Kristallnacht", The Night of Broken Glass; A violent outbreak arose within Austria targeted against Jews.

  • Hitler performed a Reichstag speech to threaten Jews.

  • Nazis invade Poland to spite them for gaining German provinces from the Treaty of Versailles.

  • In Germany, euthanasia is performed on the weak and sick.

  • The Gestapo began "Einsatzgruppen", or mobile killing units, who were ordered to kill racial or political enemies of Germany,

  • Hermann Göring instructed Reinhard Heydrich, a fellow leader of the Nazi party, to prepare for the "Final Solution", or slaughter of every European Jew.

  • Nazis ordered the Jews of Poland, then other countries, to wear a yellow star on their clothing to identify them, or they would be punished.

  • The first use of cyanide gas chambers took place at Auschwitz, the largest killing and concentration camp.

  • The Nazis massacred 33,771 Jews in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, 10 days after it is taken over.

  • Heydrich held the Wannsee Conference in Wannsee, Berlin to organize the Final Solution.

  • The mass murder of Jews via gassing had begun at Auschwitz.

  • Germany's Warsaw Ghetto had deportations to concentration camps. (6k Jews to Treblinka per day.)

  • The Treblinka extermination and labor camp for both Warsaw Jews and non-Jewish Polish was opened.

  • Waffen Gestapo attempted to clear the Warsaw ghetto's remaining 60k Jews (decreased by 90%), which resulted in an uprising that ultimately failed.

  • The Soviets performed the first liberation, or freedom, of prisoners of the Majdanek concentration camp in Poland,

  • The last use of the gas chambers at Auschwitz had taken place.

  • Soviet troops liberate the Auschwitz. However, Nazis forced most to march west, leaving only several thousand starved prisoners to be rescued.

  • Dachau camp was liberated by the U.S. 7th Army.

  • All German forces surrendered to the Allies 8 days after Hitler's suicide.

  • Many former Nazi members were tried in court for their crimes, known as the Nuremberg War Crime Trials.