Germany was defeated at the end of World War I.
Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles in France, officially ending WWI, which weakened Germany's power.
Hitler's propaganda memoir "Mein Kampf" was published, noted for going into detail of his ideal race.
Dachau, the first concentration camp, was opened in southern Germany for criminals, Gypsies, homosexuals, asocials, and Jews.
Hitler became the dictator of Germany through the Enabling Act.
Nuremberg Race Laws stripped German Jews of their rights and citizenship.
The Gestapo, or secret German police, were placed above the law.
"Anschluss" (union) was established between Austria and Germany, bringing along Germany's anti-semitic laws.
"Kristallnacht", The Night of Broken Glass; A violent outbreak arose within Austria targeted against Jews.
Hitler performed a Reichstag speech to threaten Jews.
Nazis invade Poland to spite them for gaining German provinces from the Treaty of Versailles.
In Germany, euthanasia is performed on the weak and sick.
The Gestapo began "Einsatzgruppen", or mobile killing units, who were ordered to kill racial or political enemies of Germany,
Hermann Göring instructed Reinhard Heydrich, a fellow leader of the Nazi party, to prepare for the "Final Solution", or slaughter of every European Jew.
Nazis ordered the Jews of Poland, then other countries, to wear a yellow star on their clothing to identify them, or they would be punished.
The first use of cyanide gas chambers took place at Auschwitz, the largest killing and concentration camp.
The Nazis massacred 33,771 Jews in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, 10 days after it is taken over.
Heydrich held the Wannsee Conference in Wannsee, Berlin to organize the Final Solution.
The mass murder of Jews via gassing had begun at Auschwitz.
Germany's Warsaw Ghetto had deportations to concentration camps. (6k Jews to Treblinka per day.)
The Treblinka extermination and labor camp for both Warsaw Jews and non-Jewish Polish was opened.
Waffen Gestapo attempted to clear the Warsaw ghetto's remaining 60k Jews (decreased by 90%), which resulted in an uprising that ultimately failed.
The Soviets performed the first liberation, or freedom, of prisoners of the Majdanek concentration camp in Poland,
The last use of the gas chambers at Auschwitz had taken place.
Soviet troops liberate the Auschwitz. However, Nazis forced most to march west, leaving only several thousand starved prisoners to be rescued.
Dachau camp was liberated by the U.S. 7th Army.
All German forces surrendered to the Allies 8 days after Hitler's suicide.
Many former Nazi members were tried in court for their crimes, known as the Nuremberg War Crime Trials.