World War II

  • Treaty of Munich

  • German Invasion of Czechoslovakia

  • Britain Rearms and Reassures Poland

  • Germany and Russia Sign Pact

  • Hitler Invades Poland

  • Britain and France go to War with Germany

  • Hitler Invades Norway

  • Germany Invades Denmark

  • Blitzkrieg on Holland and Belgium

  • Neville Chamberlain Resigns

  • Retreat at Dunkirk

  • Italy Enters the War on the Axis Side

  • France Signs Armistice with Germany

  • Hitler Attacks Russia in Operation Barbarossa

  • Period: to

    Battle of Britain

  • Tripartite Pact is Signed Between Germany, Italy, and Japan

  • British Rout Italians in North Africa

  • Italy and Germany Invade Yugoslavia

  • Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor

  • Britain and US Declare War on Japan

  • Japan Takes Singapore

  • Battle of Midway

  • Allies in North Africa Called Upon

  • Period: to

    Battle of Stalingrad

  • Battle of El Alamein

  • Allies Push into North Africa

  • Axis Powers Surrender in North Africa

  • Allies Invade Sicily

  • Allies Take Sicily

  • Italy Surrenders

  • Allies Meet at Tehran

  • Leningrad Relieved

  • Rome is Liberated

  • D-Day

  • Japanese Evicted from Burma

  • Paris Liberated

  • V2 Flying Bombs

  • Battle of the Bulge

  • Allies Cross the Rhine

  • FDR Dies

  • Russians Reach Berlin

  • Mussolini Captured and Executed

  • Hitler Commits Suicide

  • German Forces Surrender in Italy

  • German Forces in Northwest Germany, Holland, and Denmark Surrendered

  • Donitz offers Unconditional Surrender

  • V.E. Day

  • Churchill Loses Election

  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

  • Russia Declares War on Japan

  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki

  • Japan Surrenders

  • MacArthur Accepts Japan's Surrender