World War II

  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    agreement that Italy and Germany recognized their common economic interests
  • Austria's anexation to Germany

    With the intention to be closer to Poland
  • Western appeasement

    Conference of Munich
  • Non-agression pact

    Between Russia and Germany

    Hitler claims Danzing Port, he doesn't receive it, so he invades Poland. Britain and France declare war. Japan invades Manchuria.
  • Italy invades Albania

  • Hitler resumed his agression

    against Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and France
  • Hitler takes Paris

    3/5 of northern France
  • Hitler advances to the Soviet Union

  • Pearl Harbor

    US cuts off iron and steel because Japan invaded Manchuria. Japan attacks.
  • British and Americans invade French North Africa

  • Period: to

    Hitler declares war to US

    US helps with military aid and provisions.
  • Period: to

    German troops are stopped in Stalingrad

    Russian army, moves west to spread communism and liberate concentration camps
  • D-Day

    Allies arrive in Juno beach.
  • Hitler moves into a bunker.

    Commits suicide on April 30th
  • Germany surrenders

  • Hiroshima atomic bomb

  • Nagasaki atomic bomb


    Japan surrenders