World War II

  • WWI Ends

    Britain, France, and the U.S along with other allies take down Germany.
  • Hitler Appointed German Leader

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany and later takes dictatorial powers.
  • WWII Begins

    Germany invades Poland which makes Polish allies declare war over Germany.
  • Soviets Invade Poland

    Joseph Stalin orders invasion on Poland securing a share of the country.
  • Warsaw Captured

    Warsaw surrenders to German troops.
  • UK Wins War’s First Sea Battle

    British troops defeat a German Battleship at the “battle of the River Plate”, first major naval engagement of WWII
  • Norway Invaded

    Germany invades Norway, ending the 6 month period of land operations that was called the “Phony war”.
  • Churchill Becomes Prime Minister

    Churchill replaces the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. Germany invades Belgium that same day.
  • The Miracle from Dunkirk

    British Army was trapped and evacuates Dunkirk to England. France survives to fight another day.
  • Paris falls to the Nazis

    German army takes over Paris.
  • Britain Fighting to stay Alive

    Battle of Britain pits German bombers against the British army as Germany prelude to its invasion.
  • The US plunges into the War

    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor starting war with the US. Hitler declares war on the US as well 4 days later.
  • The Halt of the Pacific

    The US Navy halts the Japs naval and advances into the central portion of the pacific.
  • Landing in Sicily

    US and British troops lands on Siciliy to take control of it.
  • Landing of the troiops

    Allies land troops on the beaches of Salerno near Naples.
  • Final Offensive Move

    Soviets launch their last offensive when encircling Berlin.
  • Hitler is Dead

    Hitler commits suicide.
  • US bomb dropping

    US drops bomb on Hiroshima Japan.
  • End of WWII

    Agreement on unconditional surrender Japan surrenders ending the war.