Japan begin takeover of Manchuria, which is later renamed Manchukuo.
Japan begin takeover of Manchuria, which is later renamed Manchukuo. -
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) is elected president of the United States.
Hindenburg appoints Hitler chancellor of Germany.
FDR implements the beginning of the New Deal with the Hundred Days
Several thousand Americans attend a pro-Nazi rally in Queens. New York.
In Germany, 30,000 are now interned.
In Germany, the first Nuremberg Laws are passed revoking citizenship from Jews and prohibiting them from marrying non-Jews.
Spanish Civil War begins
Japan and Germany sign Anti-Comiterm Pact.
FDRs Quarantine Speech calls for international cooperation against aggression.
Germany signs military agreement with Japan.
Jews eliminated from the economy in Germany. Their assets can be seized.
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact announced in Moscow.
Germany invades Poland from the west.
In Poland, the process of moving the Jewish population into ghettos begins.
German troops invade Denmark and Norway.
British forces land in Norway.
Germans occupy Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Russo-Japanese neutrality pact signed.
Rationing in the United States begins with auto tires.
The United States first attacks the Japanese by air.
German surrender in Tunisia.
Allied landings south of Rome in Anzio
Americans enter Manila: Yalta Conference
Americans capture Nuremberg.
Atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima.