Japan Seized Manchuria
Paragraph One: Japanese military leader and ultranationalists thought that Japan would have equal power with the Western powers. To do so, Japan decided to to take over Manchuria. But the Chinese did not approve of the raid. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because it started a rivalry between China and Japan and the signifiance of it was that it caused other wars and that the Western powers couldn't stop Japan. -
German Air Raid on Guernica
Paragraph One: Germany did a air strike and a raid on the small town of Guernica, which is located in Spain. This attack caused nearly 1,000 innocent deaths. This was done to showcase their nw experiment with planes. Paragraph Two: We Chose this evnt because these were innocent people who lost their lives over an experiment and because it was an unnessasary attack. -
Austria Annexed
Paragraph One: hitler was ready to create the Anschluss in which to perserve the Germany and Austrian Amries. This indicated his new rule as ruler of Austria. Some Austrians didn't approve and hitler silenced those who opposed. Paragraph Two: We chose this event becuase this effected the Austrian people whom didn't agree with the actions of Hitler and the Anschluss violated the Versailles Treaty and created war scare. -
Peace for Our Time
Paragraph One: Hitler wanted to take over the western region of Czechoslovakia. Though Hitler increased his demands, still Britain and France were not willing to go to war over it. At the Munich Conference, British and French leaders met and chose appeasement. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because it was a minor contributor to the war. -
Period: to
The Nazis Commit Genocide
Paragraph One: During this time period, Hitlter decided to start killing people who he judged," reacially inferior". The Nazi's forced the Jews in Poland and other countries to live in the ghetto, where they were confined and died of starvation, etc. This was the start of the Holocaust. Paragraph Two: This is important because millions of people died due to Hitler's racism against those who he and other ssaw as inferior to the German race. -
Nazi- Soviet Pact
Paragraph One: Hitler stunned the world by announcing that a nonaggression pact with Joseph Stalin was in play. The point of this pact was to bound Hitler and Stalin to a peaceful relationship. The pact was not a friendship but a mutual need. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because this pact was important when it came to the wars between the Nazi's and the Sioviet Union. -
Operation Sea Lion
Paragraph One: Operation Sea Lion is the invasion on Great Britain. German bombers began on England''s southern coast. For a month Britain's Air Forces were fighting against German Luftwaffe. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because this event was the result of the fall of France. Now that Germans had defeated France their next target was Britain. -
American Involvement Grows
Paragraph One: The President had convinced Congress to pass the Lend-Lease Act, which allows him to sell or lend war material to those whose defense is that to protect the United States. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because this would convince countries to want to help America with the war and to even get back at Japan if their country was invaded. -
Germany's Seige of Leningrad
Paragraph One: For two and a half years the siege of Leningrad began. Life for these people were hard, food portions were rationed, and people would eat almost anything. Millions of Leningraders died during this time, but the city did not fall under German rule. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because this event was a siege that failed and wasn't a success when it comes to capture. And Stalin and Britain though were not on the same side, helped each other. -
Period: to
The Big Three
Paragraph One: The Big Three consisted of Roosevelt, Churchill,and Stalin. During this time period, Churchill and Roosevelt feared that Stalin wanted to take control of Europe and Stalin feared that Churchill and Roosevelt wanted to wanted to destroy communism. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because the Big Three were important people who had a contribution to the war and wanted to band together to solve the problems within their alliance. -
The Allies Forge Ahead
Victory For Japan
Paragraph One: The Battle of Coral Sea, the Japanese were able to fight their enemies without being seen. This was a first in naval history. The Japanese were prevented from taking over several other islands along the way.
Paragraph Two: We chose this event because the Japanese were able to continue to have victories between the Americans and seemed to be victorious. -
Japanese Conquer Philiphines
Paragraph One: Japanese took over the Philipines and much of Southern Asia islands. In the process of taking over the Philipines, the Japanese killed several hundred American and 10,000 Filipino soliders during the 65 mile Bataan Death March. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because -
Japanese Victories
Paragraph One: The attack on Pearl Harbor was a success and that the Japanese also succeeded inthe capture of Phillipines and other countries being held by the United States. The Japanese empire stretched from Southeast Asia to the Western Pacific Ocean. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because it's important to know about what other successes the japanese had had other than Pearl Harbor. Though Pearl Harbor is the most famous, they had succeeded in conquering more. -
Japanese Navy Battered
Parapgraph one: Japanese had a major blow in the Battle of Midway. This fight was fought through the air with aircrafts. the Americans destroyed 250 of the Japanese planes. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because it was the Americans way of trying to get back for Pearl Harbor. This event is signicant because the Japanese has had success in many fields with fighting the Americans but this is one of their blows. -
Allied Victory in North Africa
Allies Advance Through Italy
Paragraph One: Britain and American armies combined and were the first to land in Sicily, Italy. They defeated Italian forces which took a month. This caused Italian citizens to overthrow Musssolini and the Germans had to save him. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because this event was a major blow to the Italians and this weakened their forces and caused more loses with German help. -
Douglas MacArthur
Paragraph One: In 1944, MacArthur and the United States began to fight to retae back the Philipines. Earlier that year, American bombers bgean to bomb Japanese cities and industries. With the help of the British, they were pushing back the Japanese into the jungles of Malaya and Burma. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because it's important to know that the Americans fought back againist the Japanese to regain territory. -
Alliances Advance
Paragraph One: Weatern Allies raided and bombed two German cities. One was Hampsburg killing 40,000 people, which is an industrial city. the second city was Dresden which was a beautiful city, and not an industrial target, killing 135,000 people. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because these attacks were a plan to weaken Germany and were to get an advantage when it came to fighting this war. -
Period: to
Invasion or the Bomb?
Paragraph One: During this time period, some Japanese men became Kamikaze, which are men who go on suicide missions. Scientists offered another way to end the war. Some allied Scientists conducted research code named Manhattan Project. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because the decision to bomb or invade Japan was a decision that wasn't made lightly and that this process took time. -
Establishing the United Nations
Paragraph One: In this year, 50 nations assembled in San Francisco for the United Nations. Under the new Charter, each of the member nations has one vote General Assembly. The goal was to give these great powers the authorityto ensure the peace. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because the United Nations was a important part of the peace keeping between countries and is still continued today. -
V-E Day ( Victory Day in Europe)
Paragraph One: When Germany surrenedered, this day was declared as a day of victory due to the Western Allies defeating Hitler and his plans. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because it was the end of Hitler's destructive reign and his plans of taking over were stopped. -
Utter Devastation
Paragraph One: Th Soviet Union declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria. The Japanese didn't respond. The next day, The Americans dropped a second atomic bombb, this time it was the city of Nagasaki. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because more than 400,000 were killed during this explosion. Two days later the Japanese surrendered. This was a day of importance in American and Japanese history. -
The Truman Doctrine
Paragraph One: Truman outlined a new policy to Congress, where he explained that it would be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities. The Truman Doctrine was rooted in the idea of containment . limiting communism to the areas already under Soviet control. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because this doctrine made it clear that Americans would resist Soviet expanision in Europe or anywhere else in the world. -
The Berlin Airlift
Paragraph One: Stalin tried to force the Western Allies out of Berlin by sealing off every railroad and highway in Western sectors of the city. Western powers responded to the blockade by mounting a round the clock airlift. Cargo planes supplied West Berliners with food and fuel. Paragraph Two: We chose this event because this success forced the Soviets to end the blockade. The event resulted in a victory and the crisis deepened.