Mussolini becomes prime minister of Italy
Mussolini took advantages over Italy troubles such as unemployment and inflation, which was led by communist -
Stalin comes to power
In 1924 Stalin came to power after Vladimir Lenin died, and he killed off all his enemies. Stalin ruled with an iron fist easily taking control. -
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The genocide where 6 million European Jews were killed by Hitlers Nazi Germany -
Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
In 1933 Hitler was in the National Socialist German workers party. He quickly climbed his way up, to become the chancellor of Germany -
Invasion of Poland and start of WWII
Hitler invaded Poland in 1939 using the blitzkrieg Strategy. With the blitzkrieg strategy they attacked by throwing mass amounts of bombs,so the enemy had little time to react. -
Battle of Britain
The Royal Air Force defended the United Kingdom from the German Air Force attacks at the end of June 1940 -
Phony War
For around 8 months there were no huge military operations happening on the western front. -
Lend-leasing act
Passed in March 1941, the Lend-Lease Act was to provid U.S. military aid to foreign nations during World War II. -
Hitler invades the Soviet Union
Once Hitler tests his limits with the world powers, his ego grows and in 1941 Hitler betrays his strongest ally, Stalin, and invades the Soviet Union. -
Pearl Harbor
On 1941 December 7th, Japanese planes attacked the unprepared US Naval Base in Hawaii. It was a horrific attack that shocked America to the core. -
America Declares War on Japan & enters war
After the attack on Pearl Harbor FDR signed the declaration at 4:10 p.m., wearing a black armband to symbolize mourning for those lost at Pearl Harbor. -
War Production Board Created
It was created to regulate the production and allocation of materials and fuel in the U.S. The organization encouraged companies to mass produce techniques to increase the efficiency and eliminate wast by standardized products. -
Executive Order 9066
It Order authorized the secretary of war to give a certain area as a military zone. This cleared the way for the interment of Japanese Americans, German- Americans and Italian- Americans to concentration camps in the united states. -
Battle of Midway
One month after the Battle of Coral Sea. It was a Naval battle with the American Victory -
Iwo Jima
The battle was between the United States and Japan. The U.S. captures the island of Jima from the Japanese imperial army -
Operation Torch
British, American invasion of French North America campaign of the second war which started in November 1942 -
Battle of Stalingrad
Major Battle on the eastern front of WWII which Nazi Germany and the allied forces fought the soviet union for control of the city of Stalingrad in southern Russia -
Battle of Coral Sea
First Sea battle in history. Aircrafts were launched from ships. Allied stragetic victory -
Office of War Mobilization created
The Office of War Mobilization was created to regulate the production and the distribution of materials during WWII in the Untied States. -
Invasion of Sicily/ Italy
The Allied Invasion of Sicily or " Operation Husky" it was a major campaign in which the Allied forces took the island of Sicily from the Axis powers -
It was landing operations of Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during WWII -
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Operation "IceBerg" Largest amount of casualties 100,000 for Japan and 50,000 for America -
Battle of Berlin
Designated the Berlin Strategic Offensive operation by the soviet union was the final offensive Europen theatre of WWII -
Hitler commits suicide
Killed himself by gunshot in his fuhrerbunker in Berlin -
V-E Day
Celebrates the victory in Europe and Marks the end of WWII -
Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
The United States dropped a five-ton bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima -
Non-aggression pact
In 1939, the non-aggression pact was signed by Hitler and Stalin. This national treaty between the two countries stated that neither country could engage in military action against the other. -
The war lasted from September 1,1939- September 2,1945