
world war II

By lple
  • annexation of manchuria

    annexation of manchuria
    Japans exand its territory at the expanse of china.It started occuping it at the north (manchuria)
  • possesion of Ethiopia

    possesion of Ethiopia
    Italy conquered ethiopia as part of its mission to extend its colonial empire
  • Remilitariation of the Rhineland by Hilter

    Remilitariation of the Rhineland by Hilter
    It happened because of the violation of the Treaty of Versailles
  • Anti-Cominterm Pact

    Germany entered with Japan
  • Anticomintern Pact

    Anticomintern Pact
    With Japan
  • Rome-Berlin axis

    Germany alliance with Italy
  • Period: to

    Spanish civil war

    Italy and Germany took part supplying soldriers and weapons
  • invasion of China

    invasion of China
  • Massacre in China

    One of the most famous massacres against the civilian population took place in Nanking (China) = 200000 people were killed
  • Occupation of Austria

    Occupation of Austria
    Use of military force to do it
  • demandation of Czechoslovakia to hand over the Sudetenland

  • Munich conference

    Munich conference
    Convened by Hilter following protests by France, Great Britain; etc.
    It ended with the democracies accepting Hilter´s promises to expand no further
  • Nazi soviet pat

    Nazi soviet pat
    Created by Hilter and Stalin to prevent the USSR from joining with F, Gb and helping Poland
  • Pact of steel

    Rome-Berlin axis pact was renewed
  • Invasion of Poland

    following it, Hilter launched "lighting war", which consisted of using armoured divisions and strong aerial support.
  • Period: to

    Axis victories

  • Declaration of war

    Declaration of war
    In response to the nazi soviet pact the allies declared war on Germany.
  • Germany army invided western europe

  • Yugoslavia and Greece also fell

  • Operation Barbarossa

    Hilter attacked Russia, in response, the USSR joined the Allied forces in the battle against the Axis powers
  • Japan destroyed the UA fleet

    This happened in Pearl Harbor and the US entered the war
  • LEague of Nations vs the Allies

    The need for an organisation to replace the discredit LEague of Nations was addresed by the Allies
  • Beggining of the Jewish massacres

    In USSR and eastern Europe
  • "Final Solution"

    Nazi leaders planned the final solution, i.e. the ellimination of all Jews. At that time, the concentreation camps became places of mass prisioner extermination
  • Decesive turn

    The americans stopped Japanesa advances and startes reconquering occupied territories
  • Period: to

    Allieed offensives

  • Period: to

    germans assaulted Stalingrad

    was Hilters first major failure
  • Germans were defeated in Tunisia

    British ndefeated the germans in El Alamein. Allied army landed in French Africa and defeated the germans in Tunisia
  • Tehran conferenece

    Three major Allies met for the first time
  • End of the seige of Leningard

    Soviets took back Ukraine and ended the seige of leningard
  • Liberation of Europe was hatened

    By the Normandy landing by British and American troops
  • workers in Germany foreigners

    30% of workers in Germany were foreigners
  • Third conference

    Held in Potsdam. The new leaders reached an agreement to return all of european territories anexed by Germany, separate Austria, dismantle the military industry and prosecute and punish Nazi leaders.
  • Atomic bomb

    To force Japan surrended, US president used the atomic bomb, which was dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Aprobal of the Charter of the United Nations

    Which was signed by 46 founding states, took place during the San Franciso conference
  • Second conference

    It took place in Yalta. This meeting agreed denazification and partion of Germny and Austreia into four occupied zones and the divison of Berlin and Vienna. United Nations
  • Both Allied armies occupied Germany

    and met at the river Elbe
  • Hilter commited suicide

  • Germany surrendered

  • Japan surrrended

    Faced with this nuclear horror Japan surrended and the second world war was over
  • Paris Peace Conferencde

    Peace treaties with germany´s other allies were drawn up during the conference.
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    It is a text that remains hugely important to this today
  • Peace treaty with Austria

    The treaty with Austria was not signed until 1955, the year the Allied occupation ended.