World War II

  • Versailles Treaty

    The treaty was a peace argument that ended WWI. This was done by them forcing Germany to take the fault for the small military size, conflict, cede territory to other nations, and more. In other words the War Guilt.
  • Battle of France

    Germany invaded France, along with overrunning Belgium, Luxembourg, and Holland. overall defeating the French and embracing the British.
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    Lend Lease

    This was an Act that allowed the United States to supply(war supplies, other resources) Allied nations that were vital to the USA during WWII.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    The Germans invaded the Soviet Union capturing hundreds of thousands of soviet soldiers. They caught them by supersize which allowed them to be able to destroy the Soviets air force.
  • Battle of Britain

    This was a series of air attacks from the Germans that attacked British shipping operations in the English Channel.
  • Operation Overlord

    This was the largest amphibious assault in history. Normandy beaches in France were covered in Allied troops and that was the beginning of the march eastward to defeat Germany.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    A supersize invasion on the Americans by the Germans. However the Germans didn't stay for long. The Americans fought back and pushed Germany back out and caused major casualties to the Germans, but overall winning the battle.
  • Yalta Conference

    the Allied leaders met to discuss post war and how to reorganize Europe. They established the United nations and the conditions that the Soviet Union would join the war against Japan in return for spheres of influence.
  • Iwo Jima Campaign

    In the Pacific Ocean there was an aggressive assault on a volcanic island. The United States Navy and Marine's took the island from the Japanese army.
  • Japanese Surrender

    The Japanese formally surrendered due to the deployment of a new and awful atomic bomb that they would receive if they didn't surrender.