Japanese invasion of China
Japan invaded China because they needed the vast amount of resources. They saw their weakness and took advantage. -
Rape of Nanking
when Japan invaded China they destroyed the city of Nanking to kill their spirit. So Mitusu had troops kill over 80,000 males and raped over 20,000 women and girls. -
Ribbentrop/Molotov Pact
Before WWII broke out Nazi Germany and Soviet Union signed a pact agreeing that they wouldn't attack each other for the next ten years. The German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact fell apart in June 1941, when Nazi forces invaded the Soviet Union. -
Germany's invasion of Poland
Beginning of WWII officially. Forced British Prime Minister to declare war with Germany. Germany originally invaded Poland to gain power. They kicked started one of the biggest wars in history today. -
Germany's Blitzkrieg
The Blitzkrieg, German for "lightening war", was a tactic used to disorganize enemy forces. They used mobile forces and locally concentrated firepower. The use of this strategy caused them to invade Belgium. -
Fall of Paris
Germany invaded Paris. U.S. attempted to give help. Germany invaded to ask qestions, find spys and other reasons. -
Operation Barbarossa
Hitler makes his massive army invade the Soviet Union. the invasion covered from North Cape to Black Sea. This event was the crucial turning point for WWII because the Germans gained major superior resources. -
Pearl Harbor
Japan's fighter planes bomb the U.S. naval ships near Hawaii. Japan wanted to surprise attack the U.S. and the cause of the bombing forced the U.S. into WW2. -
Wannsee Conference
The Nazi Party and Germany Govt. officials meet up in the suburbs of Wannsee and dicuss "The Final Solution of the Jewish Question". Hitler wanted to annihilate all the Jews and as an effect he ended up killing over millions of them. -
Bataan Death March
U.S. surrendered to Japan. Japan made the 75,000 Filipino and American troops march to prison camps which were 65 miles away. The Japanese and the environment was harsh for the troops and thousands died on the Bataan Death March. -
Operation Gomorrah
British bombers raid Hamburg, Germany by night while America bombs it by day. Britian was simply getting revenge after Germany bombed their land. -
D-Day (Normandy Invasion)
When British, Canadian, and American landed on five beaches on France's Normandy region. This strategy was used to mislead the Germans about the intended target. Northern France ended up being liberated by the end of 1944. -
Battle of the Bulge
Hitler tried to split up the Allied forces in Northwest Europe. Germany caught Americans off-guard and forced a bulge in the Allied line. Lead to the neutralization of the German counteroffensive despite heavy casualties. -
Liberation of concentration camps
The Allies encountered concentration camps and their prisoners and rescued them from death. Many were ill from starvation and other diseases. Germany tried to hide the evidence by having the prisoners clean the bunks and burn dead bodies. These camps were to eliminate the Jewish race and "solve the problem". -
Operation Thunderclap
Was a proposal to bomb the Eastern cities of Germany to disrupt the transport infrastructure behind what was becoming the eastern front. The Allies hoped to turn the German civilians on their government. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
Invasion of Japan by the U.S. because they desperately needed a base near Japan's coast. Marines fought for a month in harsh conditions, but came out on top putting their flag up. -
Period: to
Battle of Okinawa
Last and biggest of the Pacific island battles of World War II. The air bases were vital to invaded Japan. Both sides ended it with major casualties. -
VE Day
Great Britian and U.S. celebrated the victory of defeating the Nazi war machine. German troops through Europe finally laid down their weapons and surrendered. -
Dropping of the atomic bombs
U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in '45 and caused millions of deaths because Harry S. Truman wanted a speedy end to the war. Japan finally surrendered after we dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki. -
VJ Day
Japan surrendered effectively ending WWII. Happened a few days after Japan was bombed by U.S. The Allies won and liberated the Jews.