World War II

By eka4094
  • Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler was the head of the Nazi Party. He was Apponted Chancellor of Germany giving him and the Nazi Party controll over Germany. The Nazi Party blamed Germany's troubles at the time on the way it was treated after World War I and the Jews.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany invades Poland to gain more land according to Nazi policy. They attacked with the air force, navy, and army. The Soviet Union also invaded at the same time of Germany. The invasion was over on October 6, 1939 and they divide Poland up between Germany and the Soviet Union.
  • United KIngdom and France Declare war on Germany

    United KIngdom and France Declare war on Germany
    The British Prime MInister gave Germany an ultimatum to withdraw from Poland. Germany refuses to withdraw by the deadline. United Kingdom declared war on Germany. France, Australia, and New Zealand also declare war on Germany.
  • Germany invades France

    Germany invades France
    The Germans invade France, Belgium, luxembourg, and the Netherlands. The fighting took place in the spring of 1940. By June 1940, The Germans were bombing Paris. By June 14, 1940 the Germans had control of Paris and most of western Europe.
  • The Battle of Britian

    The Battle of Britian
    The Germans attacked Great Britian. They wanted to take over all of Europe. They knew control of Great Britian was necessary to acomplish this. While this happens Great Britian asks the United States for help. The Germans bombed major cities in Great Britian. Most of the fighting took place in the air between German and British aif forces. This was known as the Battle of Britian.
  • Germany attacks the Soviet Union

    Germany attacks the Soviet Union
    Germany invaded the Soviet Union. This broke the deal they had with the Soviets before the invasion of Poland. The invasion started a two-front war for the Germans. The invasion was unsuccessful. The decision to invade the Soviet Union was a major cause to them losing the war.
  • Germany Declares war on the United States

    Germany Declares war on the United States
    The Japanese launched a suprise attack and bombed Pearl Harbor in the United States on December 7, 1941. The United states had not yet entered the war. After the attack, the unted states declared war on Japan. Then Germany immediatly declared war on the United states.
  • D-Day

    The United States and British forces land on the beaches of France. The American and British death tolls were very high and fightig was intense. The invasion was to free France from German rule and push the Germans back to Germany. The Germans had occupied France for four years. The invasion gave the Americans and other Allied forces a foothold in Europe.
  • Battle of the Buldge

    Battle of the Buldge
    Allied forces were pushing the germans back to Germany. The Germans launched a counter-offensive back into Belgium. The fighting took place in the winter. The Allied forces were succsesful in holding off the counter-offensive.
  • Germany Surrenders

    Germany Surrenders
    German Forces surrendered to Soviet and American forces after the Battle of Berlin. Germany's opponents in its two-front war met in Berlin destroying the German Army. Hitler had commited suicide in his bunker in Berlin a few days berfore they surrendered. The United States and the Soviet Union divided up Germany into parts they would each occupy.