World War II

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany and Slovakia invade Poland. Great Britian and France side with Poland and declare war on Germany. This is the beginning of the war in Europe.
  • Period: to

    World War II

    World War II
  • Germany Invades France

    Germany Invades France
    Germany invades France along with Belgium and the Netherlands.
  • Italy Invades France

    Italy Invades France
    Italy becomes Fascist and joins on Germany's side. They attack France from the south east.
  • Germany Takes Paris

    Germany Takes Paris
    Germany takes over an undefended Paris and defeats the French military.
  • Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese bomb the Pacific fleet stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Luckily for the US, someof the fleet wasn't in the harbor at that time or were in drydock and remained untouched.
  • Us men enter war

    Us men enter war
    on January 26th we began to send troops over to brittan to begin to prepare for world war II.
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    The USA defeated the Japanese navy at the Battle of Midway. This battle ended june 7 so it lasted 3 days.
  • D- Day

    D- Day
    The allies launched an attack on Germany's forces in Normandy, Western France. Thousands of troops began the attack on Normandy beach via U- Boat.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his bulletproof shelter. He shot himslef with a gun.
  • End of world war II

    End of world war II
    From result of the US dropping the atomic bomb on japan the japanese surrendered unconditionally to officially end the second world war