Germany invades Poland
Nazi Germany invaded nuetral Poland territory, which then started WWII. -
Nazi Invasion
Nazi Germany invades France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. The Nazis are gaining territory at an alarming rate. -
Italy Decalres War
Italy decalres war on France and Britain. -
Germany Attacks in Water
German U-boats attack merchant ships in the Atlantic. -
Germany in Africa
First troops of "Afrika Korps"-Geraman troops- arrive in Tripoli, Northern Africa. -
Gas Chambers
First experimental use of gas chambers to execute Jews and lesser races at Auschwitz. -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese planes attack the US naval base in Hawaii. -
US Decalres War
The US, led by FDR, declares war on the Axis powers. -
US Gains Enemies
Italy and Germany reciprocate and decalre war on the US. -
Battle of Midway
American Naval victory at Batlle of Midway marks as a turning point in the Pacific -
The Battle of Stalingrad begins -
Surrender at Stalingrad
Germany surrenders at Stalingrad and marks Germays first major defeat. -
Italy Surrenders
Italy surrenders to the Allied troops, and soon after decalred war on Germany as an allied force -
Allied troops fight Nazi Germany on beaches of Normany in France, beginning the march across Germany to defeat Hitler. -
Battle of Bulge
The Battle of the Bulge begins on the western front and soldiers are forced to fight in trenuous conditions -
Yalta Conference
The Yalta Conference is held between the "Big Three"- FDR, Stalin, and Churchill. -
Allied troops officially accept the surrender of Nazi Germany and Hitlers reign. -
US drops an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. -
US drops and atomic bomb on Nagasaki. -
Japan Surrenders
Formal surrender of Japan