MaoZedong heads Long March
Jiang's army surrounded Mao and and his supporters in their mountain stronghold. The communists knew that defeat was certain if they stayed so Mao ordered a dangerous retreat. 100,000 communists went on a 6000 mile long retreat. Only 8000 were living when they reached the northwestern caves. -
Germany invades Poland; France and Great Britain declare war on Germany
After taking Sudetenland, Hitler demanded for the port of Danhzing, Poland asks France and Britain for help but they refused. Soon after, Hitler signs a nonagression act with Stalin and made a secret agreement to split Polish territory between them. Britain and France declare war soon agter Poland falls -
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
American military leaders decoded a message from Japan that there might be an attack on Pearl Harbor. With no warning, Japanese planes flew in and destroyed 19 ships and killed 2,300 americans in Pearl Harbor. The next day, the congress declared war on Japan and Roosevelt called that day "a date that will live in infamy" -
United Nations formed
The US and Soviet Union join together along with 48 other countries to create the United Nations. This organization focused on protection it's members. In the General assembly, each UN member would cast votes on issues. The Security Council was a group of 11 people who investigated and solved disputes. -
Germany Surrenders
Germany surrendered soon after the Battle of the Bulge, where Germans pushed into the allied line but were forced to retreat as there were no reinforcements. After this battle, Allies surrounded Berlin, the German capital, and Hitler committed suicide along with his wife. Although Germany has surrendered Japan was still fighting in the Pacific. -
Allies use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Picture
*text is in the time span bullet -
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Allies use atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
With Japan the last threat left, Prestident Truman and his advisers decided to use a newly developed bomb to quickly end the war. First, Hiroshima was bombed, then Nagasaki. Each bomb killed over 70,000 people immediately from the explosion and radiation poisoning killed many more. Japan surrendered after seeing the destruction from just 2 bombs.